Summer Begins and Troubling News Keeps Washing Ashore.

I recently returned from a Memorial Day hiatus down on Cannery Row, less than an hour’s drive South to local Monterey. We spent a couple of nights in the Spindrift Inn just a few hundred yards from the world-famous Aquarium.

Our room featured a King bed, large programmable gas fire, binoculars and cushion-filled seating nestled into a spectacular Bay window overlooking the Bay; all this is perched just yards off the waterline where gentle waves lap relentlessly upon a sandy beach directly below. The views are breathtaking from the third floor and the weather cooperated throughout our stay with alternating mild overcast and moderate occasional sun.

Some 50-150 yards offshore a flourishing band of underwater kelp forest stretches from the West beyond Fish Hopper Restaurant, continuing passed our North-Easterly perspective, then thinning out beyond the protruding point to the East that obscures Fisherman’s Wharf Pier, just 1 mile away as the crow flies.

Traffic and distractions are visible across this majestic, scenic outlook throughout the day…

At 0600 a couple of Sport-fishing boats head out (one from Chris’ Fishing and Whale Watching business) and a half-dozen otters begin working the kelp for mussels. By 0700 a few small, night-working commercial fishing vessels and trawlers meander East back into Monterey Harbor and Wharf, straggling past the large red swaying channel marker standing 100 yards outside the Kelp off the Fish Hopper.

I sailed about that very marker buoy years ago when learning off-shore keel-boat skills from Dutch’s School operating from the very end of the main wooden Harbor Pier. It was this same area between that channel marker and kelp which was closed-off in 1997 as remains from the fatal John Denver experimental aircraft crash were sought. Times have happily moved on since then; now only peaceful coastal activity fills this scene.

During the day occasional single and small groups of canoes pass back and forwards through the kelp, moving slowly, watching the array of wildlife on display… now cormorants, seagulls, red-legged Pigeon Guillemots, otters, harbor seals, sea lions and pelicans work from the sandy beach, moving around rocks protruding from the shallow sands and out to the nearby kelp forest.

A 20-foot skiff powered by a small, ancient, outboard motor showed up a couple of times on the Tuesday following memorial Day. Two workers manually hauled kelp aboard until the boat was filled midships some two feet higher than its sides. Then off they went, bringing their harvest to companies supplying now-desirable kelp and seaweed-based products to the world.

On the last morning at around 0800 a group of eleven scuba divers appeared lower right into my view. They waddled across the sands some 30 yards away then flopped into the shallows to affix lengthy fins upon their feet, before floating slowly off in a circular group towards the Kelp. One by one they disappeared into the forest.

I saw no sign of them again; no obvious bubbles nor any disturbance at all. A pair of canoes passed over where they had vanished and the occupants moved slowly, looking downwards, seemingly transfixed.

By 0900 the divers suddenly and collectively re-emerged. First a group of seven appeared, followed  minutes later by the final set of four reappearing 30 yards further out. And they slowly paddled their way to the beach in these same groups, till they hit shallow water then removed their fins. Finally, they stood and staggered, ungainly in their weighty gear, to disappear again in a few yards, passing beyond my immediate view.

It was an odd sighting. Right off Cannery Row; only 50 yards from the road to the water’s edge. And at 10.00am the whole event was repeated as a group of (this time) 10 divers waddled back down into the water and replayed similar events. Were these the same divers, or a second group? Ahh, the mystery!

Time in Monterey was well spent. The Summer crowds are not yet in full swing and Memorial Day itself is considered just the beginning of the Holiday Season.

We mostly avoided (the Pier of) Fisherman’s Wharf as it looked a little busier; finally, we had dinner there one evening at Domenico’s, where it is rumored as many as 5 Presidents have dined, overlooking the pristine and prestigious marina. The otters still entertain and play in the still channels by the docked boats, amusing diners and passersby alike.

I wonder if the 20-year waiting list for permanent slips for vessels in the inner harbor is still the norm?

Stores along Cannery Row are a mixture of decent tourist attractions; some souvenir shops, restaurants with just a few higher-end suppliers of jewelry, art and designer ornaments. And of course, there is the World-famous Aquarium, which is always worth a visit, providing you buy tickets ahead of time on busier days.

I managed a couple of bike rentals during my stay. Firstly, for a manual bike trip from the Spindrift Inn, East passed the Harbor and Wharf down to Seaside for a Starbucks where the paved trail ends. The crowds were not too busy on the trails during this extended Memorial Day break.

The next day we this time rented eBikes and headed West on the trail to the picturesque, man-built cove at Lovers Point, then used bike lanes to head out further and venture a few miles along 17-mile Drive. The weather was clear, sunny and mild.

We cycled the couple of miles after the Point alongside bright pink/ purplish rock flowers covering the low sweeping cliffs like a carpet right down to the rocky inlets and seashore which varied from just 20 to 50yds distance; blue skies and calm ocean panoramas featured all along the way. 😊

Back at home in Santa Cruz the recent months leading into June have been mixed with overcast, occasional sunny days and temperatures typically running from mid-50’s F to high 60’s. The result of this combined with the preceding stormy winter and wetter months has caused both yards and empty lots to explode in new growth.

By late May our garden featured a great cascade of white roses tumbling down a six-foot wooden fence and reaching into billowing shrubs of orange Cuphea and red-tipped Salvia (Hot Lips) below. The maroon Lorapetalum are chasing up the trunks of the Queen Palms, sprouting their small pink flowers and flourishing wildly.

A couple of ferns sheltered under trees have massive fronds reaching over 7-feet high with Azaleas firing off unseasonably, flowering in bright red and pinks beneath their shade and overhang.

Several of the giant, potted Camelia Japonicas are flowering in reds and pinks, uncontrollably dropping blossoms and petals in quickly forming mounds upon the paving beneath their healthy glossy leaves.

And all this following aggressive pruning and cutbacks last Fall before the deep stormy winter took hold and coastal damage became common hereabouts.

Hummingbirds are slowly returning to the five or more well-positioned feeders, though their numbers have not yet caused the usual protective sentry duty performed each year by a few bullies, which will soon enough control the whole back garden, again.

The storm-damaged Pier at Capitola may have its missing planking (a full 15-yard gap) repaired by late Summer, but it seems likely bureaucracy may yet impede short-term progress. As for the staircase down to  the beach at 26th Ave., some 250 yards away, it has now been repaired and is fully restored. Most of the beaches have been bulldozed and the numerous remaining debris piles have been removed ahead of the Summer Season festivities.

Sadly, the railings and paving keeping pedestrians from falling into Moran Lake (again about 250 yards (SE) from my door) are still missing. Logs, trees and various ocean-borne detritus swept away the previous structures when unusual winter storms washed over the road in December-January, tearing them apart.

But the flowers and blossoms are out; plants, shrubs and trees are flourishing making everything look so much more attractive and renewed despite the seasonal gloom normally associated with June in these parts.

So, it again became time to chase away the noisy crows from our immediate vicinity. This was last done 3-4 years ago and held up quite well. But as expected the massive rookery just a mile or so away eventually housed newcomers that encroached upon the property; they had to go. And this is how it is done…

Go out and buy two or three large fake synthetic models of black birds. Place these in plain aerial view, laying on their sides about the property and wait. Very shortly crows (typically ½ dozen sometimes many more) will gather about, circling or perched on viewing sites overlooking the scene.

They become disturbed, audibly distressed and very loud. It seems they sound the alarm and warn the greater community. After an hour or so the cacophony dies down and they disburse. But IMPORTANTLY when you take the models away a few hours later, crows do not noisily return in numbers; often for several years. 😉

I am not sure if ALL birds are driven away, but it is clear the cawing of crows is immediately much diminished, and they can be seen perching and cycling their operations a good +50yards further away from the house. As for Hummingbirds and others, their appearance seems to persist and they are then safer from egg-robbing, scavenger crows as the year moves into Summer then Fall.

The Santa Cruz pier is over a mile long and is set next to the famous Boardwalk in the Northern area of the massive, almost semicircular Monterey Bay; here the coast runs almost N-S. The end of the Pier lies about (1 mile) due East of the famous surfing spot, Steamers.

There is now a new attraction established on the Pier. 😊

The local Humble Sea Brewery has opened an open-air Taproom about 400yards from the end of the Pier on the Western, sunset-facing side. And it is extremely popular.

The Taproom has simple chain link fencing isolating it from the pavement and parking. There is plentiful, garden-style seating and numerous propane heaters for effect and warmth on the cooler evenings. It is very popular, and its slightly pricier beers attract a more discerning crowd which makes the whole experience a little more upscale.

Humble Sea was reportedly solicited by local operators, offering them the opportunity to expand their existing similar local (brewery and taproom) operations while providing an interesting and wholly new service on the Pier. It works! They feature a dozen boutique beers which would satisfy the most discerning palette. 😉

On busier nights food trucks back into the Taproom space; Thursdays there are excellent Fish and Chips to tempt customers and passers-by from Noon till early evening. Other food types will routinely be on-hand at busier times throughout the Summer season.

This place is well worth a visit!

And in the same vein, this new Taproom provides similar entertainment and views as does the rest of the pier this time of year. On evenings there are daily and sunset sailboat cruises  out of Santa Cruz Harbor, just a mile due east of the Pier. These are offered on the massive (60’ Catamaran) O’Neill  and (70’ Sloop) Chardonnay Charter boats. 

Every evening these vessels swing right up along each side of the Pier to the great entertainment and delight of both foot traffic and those aboard sipping either wine, beer or their beverage of choice. It is an impressive sight and unique photo-op.

The scene is completed by various other ocean-bound activities, including a few transient vessels being anchored-up each night within 100yards both sides of the Pier and run-throughs of this same area by as many as eight, 6-man canoes with outriggers and sundry smaller local sloops out enjoying the extended and newly warmer nights.

It is busy, fascinating and it can all be viewed from either side of the Pier, most of its Restaurants or the new Taproom.

And beneath all this are the constant shenanigans and clowning of the Sea Lion population that lives beneath the pier, noisily resting and playing between feeding excursions upon the rafters and crossbeams that support the entire structure.

One of my favorite pastimes on the Pier is watching visitors from around the world excitedly watch, photograph and film the antics of the Seal (and sea Lion) population.

Just last night I watched a seagull squawking relentlessly, seated upon its’ nest, resting on the same support beam that accommodated a newly arrived, bellowing Sea Lion with its head not eighteen inches from the bird. And vociferous intimidation was offered by all.  😊

Just a few weeks ago the winds around the Pier could occasionally become quite slack, even as larger swells rolled in from a more Southerly direction outside the otherwise protected Bay. On these days, the waves would drive 30’ high spray onto the cliffsides around the lighthouse/ surfing museum at Steamers and the better surfers would stay out till darkness drove them in.

Upon other such nights the winds would run 10 knots and so wind-waves often amounted to little depending on the direction. But for the last 2 months there have been the (previously mentioned) boats anchored on either side of the Pier. Frequently, the occupants that tendered-in as night fell would get rolled and tumbled heavily by swells as their night aboard ran on. A 30-40’ boat can buck quite wildly when swinging on an anchor into a +5-foot swell or wave, even when those are arriving 15-18 seconds apart. ☹

On the positive side, being aboard during such a ride provides an effective way to develop great sea-legs.  😉

And as we move into Summer things around this neighborhood keep changing and evolving…

A couple of weeks ago I spotted a Grey Whale cow and calf slowly circling into the outer area between the Santa Cruz pier and the Lighthouse/ Museum. It was one of few (whale) sightings for me this migration season. NOTE:  The cows sometimes hear hunting Orcas further out to sea on their route North to Alaska and so circle back into Monterey Bay to protect their calves until the threat has passed.

Just last night I saw ½ dozen Skim boarders were back at Moran beach working the new sand profile, washed over and built up by the Summer tides.

That same evening the Crow’s Nest in Santa Cruz Harbor reopened their traditional, free-entry, fenced-off weekly Thursday beach-parties for the Summer season, tucked up adjacent to the flourishing and busy public Volleyball courts.

And the weekly Bandstand Concerts are already back playing on the Capitola seafront.

Summer is truly upon us.  😊

But there is a closing note I really should add about observations of matters affecting my personal life…

Again, I must mention everyone’s susceptibility to Cancer. One in Two people will develop cancer in their lifetime, so it behooves us all to be keenly aware of the liability of late detection.

Anything you can do (Dr. visits, checks, scans or tests) that promote early detection is a major step in the right direction. It never pays to ignore signs and concerns that allow potential problems to grow.

For myself, I now have Cancers detected early on two occasions. On neither occasion was detection other than an unrelated and fortunate fluke.

I recommend everyone develops their own, medically supported plan and installs a proactive detection scheme in their lives. You just cannot rely on LUCK😉

And now it is time for me to chronicle in the briefest terms possible the most notable Domestic and International events that have ruffled World News outlets.

Everything I record is solidly visible with simple Internet searches. I relate only well-accepted (albethey unpalatable) truths that are difficult to refute, though may not yet all have received global acceptance and may be denied and hidden for some years yet to come. But Good or Bad, Right or Wrong, they are real

US Military Wokeness has deepened:

              Airforce… at least three bases have recently been hosting Trans shows for minors (*).

Navy… banning/ monitoring the use of pronouns, specifically outlawing use of “conservative,” “religious,” and “family” themes in speech and frowning on use of pronouns such as “Dad’ and “Mom.”

              ARMY… recruiting is down almost 25% and struggling.

              Cadets… Academies are typically being taught CRT.

(*) Generals Milley and Austin (Chair of Joint Chiefs and Sec. of Defense, resp.) claim no knowledge of such things. These are the same guys who thought the Afghanistan withdrawal went just fine.

Defiant Gen. Milley insists claims of wokeness in U.S. military 'grossly  overexaggerated' | Fox News

Biden recently sent 1500 Troops to the Southern Boarder. You might think that these were to help with enforcement? Not so. They were allocated to help with simply processing the now increasing streams of Illegals INTO the US, as Title 42 ended.

The BRICS Alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) is interested in expanding membership and creating an alternative to the USD as the World’s Reserve Currency. New countries like Saudi Arabia are circling this group with interest but are wary of proposed new participants that will further expand China’s influence. 20 Nations have expressed interest in joining the group.

The US has been officially booted out of the Philippines. This is to say their use of the Islands to address supporting local war efforts relating to China are now not permitted; no American supplies or weapons are allowed that are necessary to defend Taiwan from Chinese attack.

Domestic Social Turmoil remains front and center…

At a National Teacher’s Conference, Biden proclaimed, “there is no such thing as someone else’s child.” This underscores the State push in schools for uncontested controversial sex teachings, CRT etc. and the intent to dismantle traditional Family structure.

Leftist Billionaire George Soros continues to fund countless radical DA’s (who are soft on crime), BLM and Antifa movements (and rioting). He has funded Coups in 8-9 Countries and his son Alex has met with Biden at least 17 times at the WH since his presidency began. Soros destabilizes nations and helps install new governments.

Hard Left politicians (Ilhan Omar and Bernie Sanders) are sponsoring a bill to provide 3 meals/ day plus snacks for 50 million people in the US. Who these people are, how this will be funded and what it will cost is not explained.

A Civil Rights lawsuit has been filed against the University of Minnesota for implementing a 10-week graduate Summer Research Program that only accepts students of color and provides them with a $6,000.00 stipend.

In Florida Gov. DeSantis has signed an eVerify Law into effect that enforces the existing Saye Law in ensuring local job applicants are legal residents. Concerns revolve around the likelihood of illegals being driven out of Florida towards Sanctuary States.

Promotion of Trans lifestyle and products has quickly backfired, first on Annhauser-Busch (AB) and then Target. AB pushed a promotion of transgender social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney with Bud Light beer that left them $20B down in Market Cap (MC) within weeks. They were quickly followed by Target who were pushing Trans clothing for children, front and center in their stores; they are currently down $10B in MC. The tune of “Go Woke, Go Broke” loudly plays these days with Companies caught between their customers and unrelenting hardline LGBTQ activists.

CA Gov. Newsome is suggesting bringing in the National Guard to work with the Highway Patrol in San Francisco to shut down the escalated, rampant open-air drug dealing in the City. How bad are things? “People can’t even walk the streets anymore.” The concern is that when such policing is again removed, drug dealing will immediately return.

Dozens of US States have bandied together and requested Biden drop a new program that financially punishes good-credit Homebuyers by having them pay more to help fund poor-credit borrowers. Pennsylvania Treasurer (Stacy Garrity) warned that “It is already clear that this new policy will be a disaster.”

An inarguably sick man (a Mr. Neely, who is black) who was acting out was restrained with a chokehold by a Veteran (a 23-year-old white male) on the NY Subway. Sadly, this man (who had dozens of arrests and needed care) subsequently died. The local (Hard Left, Soros funded) DA is charging the Vet with murder and other radicals are calling for those who assisted to be charged similarly.

Then next we have the Durham Report

Finally, the report about Trumps “Russian Collusion” has been released by the Special (uninfluenced, we hope) Investigator. It decimates the entire Russia narrative.

It is clear the Idea (the Steele Dossier, a “sack of lies”) was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton, willingly Run (though already known false) by Obama with both FBI and DOJ Collusion. The scandal is reportedly the largest ever in American Politics, but will the guilty be punished?

GOP Senator Tuberville (AL) feels that Hillary Clinton should be in jail for the Hoax. Indeed, now some of the four Clinton Foundation criminal investigations (for influence peddling, fraud etc.) that were squashed by the FBI when she ran for President in 2016 may be reopened. We will see. 😉

And GOP Rep Anna Paulina Luna is seeking a $16M fine against Intel Committee member Alan Schiff for constant, outrageous and never-substantiated lies. His proven-unfounded fabrications and claims were made continuously throughout a shamelessly biased House investigation of the Russia Hoax.

Next up is Biden

It is abundantly clear that son Hunter’s Laptop has proven ownership and hosts a wealth of business and personal information, photographs and data that should have seen him indicted 3-4 years ago.

It seems the FBI has been running interference to prevent investigators accessing specific documents further proving Biden family dealings in selling political influence under Obama’s nose, when Joe was his VP. It appears a “Contempt of Congress” charge against Dir. Wray may shortly break this loose.

In addition, 51 Intelligence experts knowingly originated and signed a weaponized letter During the 2020 Election that claimed the Hunter Biden Laptop was fake, disinformation. This was not true, and all signees were fully aware that no such evidence existed.

However, this letter provided the impetus for Democrats, Big Tech and Media to go into overdrive to suppress and discredit the story and prevent it reaching (2020 Presidential) voters. This was successful.

Recent polls of actual 2020 voters confirmed that had this evidence been correctly acknowledged, Biden would have lost votes across the board and Trump would have easily won the election.

The current house Investigative lead (James Comer R-KY, House Oversight Committee Chair) has openly confirmed that Obama was fully informed of (his VP) Biden’s large-scale illegal family influence peddling and turned a blind eye. This also explains Obama’s much delayed endorsement of Biden during the 2020 campaign.

And now the Whistleblowers uncovering the Biden Family Corruption are under weaponized Government attack…

Chair James Comer offers that “9 of the 10 people we have identified that have good knowledge of Biden family business dealings with China and others, have one of three things in common: they are either currently in Court, currently in jail or have gone missing.”

Comer insists that the Biden WH, Lawyers and Media are trying to intimidate and discredit whistleblowers… surprise! 😉

It seems Biden may be following in the Clintons’ notorious footsteps as a WH Whistleblower has recently gone missing, too.

Whistleblowers are being brushed aside from the Hunter Biden IRS investigation as the DOJ has moved agents off the case, impeding reasonable progress. The already slow-walked work at the weaponized IRS is now further impeded by a weaponized DOJ, while the FBI holds back providing its own, Biden corruption evidentiary letter(s).

The current corruption update is that the investigations have proven distribution of $10M in ill-gotten gains among the Biden family with expectations that the final total will run $15-30M.

Last report suggests 10 Biden Family members are currently involved in these activities, but this number may increase to as many as 12.

The sources of funds are China and Ukraine, though I saw one article suggesting there are provable improprieties committed by Joe’s brother in Saudi Arabian dealings. News just broke of another deal “with a Country more troubling than China” involved. Hmmm? ☹

Investigators have said that illegal fund acquisitions and family distributions were committed through a network of shell companies, but they were nevertheless not difficult to track. It seems The Big Guy and family are not as clever as they thought. Perhaps they feel entirely above reproach and accountability?

The scale of this corruption and collusion is again setting records in American history. Who might be indicted or fully brought to reckoning?

And Biden is not the only one with scandal potentially littering his Legacy.

Obama’s record might finally get the scrutiny it warrants. He has much certain, media-suppressed corruption and scandal on his hands…

Because he:   Knew  and ignored that Biden was peddling influence as his VP; Actively drove an illegal witch-hunt and surveillance on the known lie which was the Russian Collusion Hoax; Funded Wuhan Research illegally; Weaponized the IRS against Conservative Groups; Lied about Benghazi; Implemented comprehensive spying on Citizens (all of the US, German, Brazilian and others); Drove the Ukrainian Coup (with Soros) that stimulated the 2014 Russian takeover of the Crimea; Facilitated the origin and growth of ISIS; Materially harmed the US Military with questionable appointments of (>200) Generals and Admirals etc. etc. Need I go on?

Presidential choices in US Politics are commonly disappointing. Perhaps I am being too polite?

There are 8 Billion people on the planet and 340 Million Americans. And the total current landscape of Presidential Candidates is what we are offered? Ouch.  ☹

Insiders seeing Biden falling (literally) and Harris’ incompetence are looking for change on the Left. Rumor has it this pair will be brushed aside: certainly, Biden’s in-your-face corruption and coverup combined with Kamala’s pitiful record and persona will assist this process?

It is proffered that a (Susan) Rice/  (Gavin) Newsome ticket might be a replacement. Can you imagine? Rice is the one who BEGAN a week-long PR tour pushing the Benghazi coverup story for Obama a FULL week after it had already been 100% proven discredited. What brass and total disregard for public opinion!

And Newsome… sigh. The man who sees a new radical cause and jumps in to claim the lead, charging to predictable disaster, time after time. He is genuinely pathetic, personifying the disastrous trail of CA policy decisions and choices.

Then we still have the harms of the COVID Vaccination to understand and assimilate…

A massive data-release of all Pfizer internal/ CDC documentation was federally court-ordered and facilitated a large-scale, carefully coordinated review by numerous teams of medical professionals from around the World of exactly what was known before the Vax Programs went public.

If you want to wade through the endless frightening list of consequences associated with the Vaccine, then view the presentation made by Naomi Wolf who had this Pfizer data release reviewed and analyzed.

To be clear, the problems were profound and numerous. If you were vaccinated, you ARE infected with these problems. Issues are numerous, severe, life-threatening and at best debilitating while permanently residing within the (membranes within the) body.

The US FDA was already fully aware of these test-proven issues, even as big pushes were being made to vaccinate (in the US) people of all ages. It seems unquestionable that recipients should have been more appropriately advised of risks, although people with severe health issues and pre-exiting problems may have had little alternative but to chance vaccination, anyway.

I watched a Video of Mark Zuckerberg speaking to his direct reports and advising they carefully consider receiving the Vaccination, given how unproven it was and how it might affect you (it DOES affect your DNA) 5, 10, 20 and even 30 years in the future. I feel sure Zuckerberg was privy to the Pfizer/ CDC early knowledge and was providing a warning. I DOUBT he and his family would prove to be vaccinated if he were ever tested.

And the push for vaccination was profound in every walk of life and for all ages…

Pfizer’s own trial found that in 2021 54% of pregnant women experienced a range of adverse and even severe reactions after vaccination with their mNRA shot. Both Pfizer and the CDC knew that the Vaccine jab caused damage to fetuses and babies , but recommended them to pregnant women, anyway. 21% of those experiencing adverse reactions fell victim to spontaneous abortions.

Pfizer’s own documentation shows that everyone making shot recommendations knew the harm the vaccination could cause.

In the US, pregnancy deaths skyrocketed in 2021. The CDC still offers no explanation, despite obvious conclusions that can be drawn from data, immediately described as available, above.

Sadly, even those who were NOT vaccinated are subject to infection by those who were, by the process of shedding that is a consequence of the shot.

Researchers in the UK have found that 1 in 310 of people receiving their first BOOSTER vaccination DIED withing 48 Days. This data was released by Britain’s Office for National Statistics (ONS). As the unvaccinated are dying at a much lower rate than this they conclude that the excess death in the UK is directly the result of COVID Booster shots.

It is believed that the ONS is not as corrupt as the CDC in the US. Who knows? However, they (ONS) did publish records nobody wants to brag about. But perhaps other cuts of that same data were much worse again? ☹

In mid-April, the FDA quietly lowered their recommendation so that now all that is required for (full) vaccination is one VAX plus one booster. And in early June the recommendation is that children 6-17 who are healthy do not need to be vaccinated at all.

We can all recount that in very recent months the US was still pushing VAX for babies and children under 4 years. Why?

Personally, I recall that even before the VAX was available it was clearly publicized global medical opinion that “children not at risk need not be vaccinated at all.” What changed? Events always showed that the aged and compromised were the ones at risk. Certainly, hard data can NEVER have shown that vaccinating healthy young people was wise; however, it IS highly profitable.

Now subsequent, troubling thoughts come to mind. Why is the mNRA element of the vaccine finding its way into cattle, their feed, fertilizers and OTHER established vaccines? Why is Bill Gates talking about the untenable 8 Billion earth population and the need for population control “using vaccinations.” I can see why conspiracy theorists might run riot thinking about these connections!

And what of the still unconfirmed specific Origins of the Coronavirus

Bat virus funding in the US was sought mid-2013 and initially funded before mid-2014. Records show that funding was requested to create Coronavirus “Mutants.”

Four Labs were selected with the #1 being the Wuhan Institute of Virology chosen by EcoHealth Alliance. The US is proven to have funded these endeavors with Dr. Fauci writing checks on Obama’s watch.

Personally, I would just like to be fully convinced of two things:

  1. The virus was NOT released deliberately.
  2. The major flu’-like outbreak during October 2019 at the World Military games in Wuhan was NOT COVID.

Given the millions of consequential deaths around the World and the potential for similar future liabilities, it is well passed time for accountability and precise corrections.

Around the World, other calamitous events continue…

In UK schools there are reports of people being bullied to BE Trans.

France continues with its latest season of rioting; sometimes the Nation seems ungovernable. These latest demonstrations come because of President Macron’s personal decree that (their currently very low) retirement age for benefits will be increased to 64 years. This resulted in street riots, destruction, police-conflicts, walk-outs and strikes across the Nation.

France is now well off their original AAA debt rating (normal for a modern industrialized Nation) and has fallen to AA-.

France Avoid S&P Credit Downgrade But Concerns Persist | Barron's

As a country, France looks like Swiss Cheese from the perspective of governance and policing, with ~1000 Government-reported No-Go Police zones in Muslim areas.

China has converted virtually every aspect of domestic life and governance to be under the official umbrella of National Security. So, ANYTHING the CCP does not like is now readily prosecuted accordingly. And with President Xi elected for an unprecedented third time there is an all-powerful single untouchable Chinese leader in a fully complete Communist Autocracy, ramping the Military like it is 1930’s Germany.

Then there is Ukraine. What is really happening? All News I find (in US, UK and elsewhere) is about Russian losses and collapse. But this is not exactly what the reported Battle Lines implies.

The WH is no longer pretending that their Special Forces (along with similar from the UK) presence is to track logistics and spending and now openly admit they have boots on the ground, US soldiers engaged in direct conflict with Russian Military. This might appear minor, but is actually a VERY notable unauthorized (by Congress) escalation of US Policy.

It is generally assumed the US is running the entire show for the Ukraine military. Perhaps a clearer image of events (and an outcome!) will be reported by Historians in 10-20 years from now?

On the scientific front, Kamala Harris has been officially appointed by Biden as the US Czar of Artificial Intelligence (AI)…

British scientist Geoffrey Hinton is known as The Godfather of AI. He has quit his job at Google to sound the alarm at dangers posed by AI, which include “ending people.” For myself I have seen AI video demonstrations which feature robotic responses alarmingly disinterested in, or disrespectful of human opinion.

This subject is considered VITAL to US security, (and indeed all Nations of the World). So why has Biden selected a known unqualified and proven incompetent as Czar of AI? Such appointments are globally viewed as a clown show.

And finally, we have the much-despised Sussexes, frustrating and annoying most Royal watchers on BOTH sides of the Atlantic. WHEN will they just get out of the way and live quietly?

Love or hate them, the UK Royal family (now headed by recently crowned King Charles III) is largely respected around the world. Indeed, they are a net money-maker and exceptional good-will ambassador for the United Kingdom.

As for (Prince) Harry, I do not pity nor excuse him because of the early loss of his Mother. A sad reality is that statistically many millions of children are alive today that lost mothers (and / or fathers) at an early age, frequently in equally and often even more horrific circumstances. It is the nature of early loss.

Personally, I would prefer he dealt with this more privately and did something about his disturbingly bad choice of a wife. What a miserable and malicious pair they have become.

I am not particularly a major fan of the Royals, but acknowledge they remain a good deal for their Country. What is not to like about having them around while simply keeping a sensible historical perspective about their role and place.

And that about wraps up this revisit of many prominent events occurring since my last Posting.

On a Happier front

Are you making the most of your neighborhood and surroundings? Sometimes there is more going on than we realize, and a larger, balanced view of life is more rewarding.

Find out what is going on around you. Local friends, family, places and events are your support system. So, make the most of these special offerings which surround us all.  😊

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter@ianrmackintosh.