Secure management promotions: Invest in yourself!

Competition for management jobs intensifies with each passing year and a poor economy just makes things worse. So, if you are betting your financial welfare on your next management position and subsequent promotions, you will now need to be much better prepared to capture those increasingly scarce opportunities than you might previously have realized.

The best way to take on this challenge and compete effectively is by actively investing in your development. You must choose to increase your marketability and maximize your value. Whether you are a junior manager or a seasoned executive, it’s certain you will benefit from optimizing the development of your foundational management skills.

The need for this investment is self-evident, but how do you actually go about evolving and growing your capabilities? Indeed, what are the process and the most efficient way to navigate the vast array of potential materials, books, training and recommendations that are out there? Well, let’s begin by identifying the simplest outline to this process that will help you minimize your investment of time and energy, yet maximize your returns in self-improvement as an effective manager.

Consider this 6-step process:

1. Understand which are the most fundamental skills that effective managers might require in their day-to-day work.

2. Develop a basic (yet comprehensive) understanding of what is involved with each skill and, then…

3. Quickly evaluate and rate your current competence with each skill. Are you excellent (E), average (A), or poor (P)?

4. Review your career path. Assess which of all these generic skills are immediately needed for elevating your current work and more specifically, targeting that next position that you seek.

5. Pick and prioritize just those skills you will develop next. Build a timeline and plan.

6. Execute your plan and methodically revisit the process of self-development as you progress through your career.

The process is straightforward enough and applicable to all managers, regardless of their seniority or the industry in which they work. The same fundamental steps even apply to self-employment, entrepreneurship or any personal development. However, navigating each step on your own, in an integrated, efficient and cohesive fashion could prove easier said than done! So, let’s consider your options and how to engage.

Many individuals spend a lifetime understanding which are the critical management skills they might need, then laboriously gleaning an understanding of each. This is generally a hit-and-miss process with many dead ends spent learning skills and behaviors that do not necessarily match your very specific and unique needs. Traditionally, this is the daunting option we face. There are many authors and bloggers that can provide you lists of the potential skills you might eventually need; unfortunately, most are less complete than others. Similarly there are numerous training classes, books and presentations that will let you learn the details of each skill. But again, nobody needs to master every skill and certainly there should be some priority order to your learning. We want to quickly evaluate skills we really need and then invest in learning only those that have a real priority in our unique career path.

Clearly, what is ideally needed for managers is a hands-on guide to walk you through this entire process. A simple set of instructions that rapidly move through a complete and integrated process, as described above. There is only one such guide and you can find it here You can choose to take this particular option, or not. The important thing is that you have a process and make progress.

The job market is tough and good management spots are becoming increasingly difficult to win. If you need to develop your skills to more effectively target desirable positions you will inevitably follow such a 6-part process (as described above), anyway. The trick is to choose to advance, enjoy the experience and reach your goals as quickly as you need. So, make the decision, pick a path and develop a plan! My best wishes to you in your career and personal development experience.


Ian R Mackintosh is the author of  Empower your Inner Manager.

Organize for career success

Most managers I observe are modestly-to-poorly organized. And, I see hundreds every year. The highly successful managers I know are normally very organized themselves, or they have well-organized staff running around after them to ensure good order is preserved. So, you can be extremely successful and not organized, but then you better be able to attract and retain a supporting cleanup crew!

Being organized takes serious effort. If you want to excel in any role and move up the ladder you need to get results and bring value to the organization. Inevitably, being well-organized usually becomes a requirement for all professionals.

Oddly, most people I know believe they already have great personal organization skills. Yet a casual glance often suggests they do not. As a result they tend to add to problems causing:

  • Diminishing personal time
  • Issues with meeting schedules. Both quality and quantity of deliverables often suffers
  • Inability to take on or avoid surprise events. These seem to occur regularly
  • Health issues
  • Professional image challenges
  • Damaged relationships. Poor personal interactions
  • etc.

Sound familiar? The work environment has become increasingly challenging as economic pressures have continued and work-place competition has increased. Given the downside of all the issues listed (above) why wouldn’t you invest in tuning up your personal level of organization? By definition, the very significant opposites of those items listed above become the upside, as you improve!

Let’s take a practical view of areas we should consider when upgrading our level of personal organization:

Personal Discipline

Anyone can learn to be organized; this is a skill and behavior, not a genetic attribute. However, upgrades must be planned and scheduled with improvements prioritized. Focus must be only upon critical issues and real results.

Targeting Problem Areas

Look for observable and/or reported disorder (paper stacks or piles, complaints, expressions of un-serviced needs from others, etc.). Similarly, consider disruptive events that upset productive work as target areas for improvement. Be sure that data flow through you (and your organization) is processed with convenient and appropriate timing. Consider new or existing systems that will better organize projects, workspace, your routine and yourself.

Organizing the Workspace

Just apply two rules, ”out of sight, out of mind” and, “use it or lose it.” Regularly used items should be readily accessible and those rarely used should be stored. Example: typically you would have pens accessible and scissors in a drawer! The same principle equally applies to electronic equivalents. Desks and walls should have low occupancy and no clutter. Again, apply this same rule for electronic systems and information in their setup and displays.

Development of New Systems

The world is built from interrelated systems. Our own systems should be well-defined, effectively planned, while simultaneously being efficient, maintainable and simple. Information and data should flow easily from one place to the next and discarded when future usage is minimal. When a routine or activity can be improved or automated, it should be. Get a good return on your investment (ROI) for all such improvements!

Integrating the Workspace with Electronic Systems

Process information where it is best suited. This may be in paper form on the desk, data in electronic databases, or e-mails/texts on mobile computing devices, and so on. Stationary and mobile electronic systems should work seamlessly with one another in individually and collectively functional systems; make only cost effective repairs and improvements to optimize such systems. Rapid evolution and emergence of new products offer huge potential for system improvements, so keep an open mind/eye/ear for practical opportunities.

Leveraging Travel and Commuting

Always pack like a minimalist: carry only extras for likely circumstances, and leave the rest behind! If you work in transit, make realistic plans for when work can occur that is convenient and achievable. Use hands-free, voice-based tools where practical, safe and efficient; only carry (often heavy, space-consuming) hardware setups when there is real certainty for convenient use while in transit.

New Gadgets and Applications

There is a constant stream of new tools. Make sure your selections integrate well with the way you do operate now or are prepared to work, in the future. Think hard before you adopt a new tool or application; many products turn out to be toys rather than useful tools suitable for your personal systems. If their value is not clear, avoid altogether or toss them away quickly.


Getting better organized is not an occasional event; rather it’s an ongoing lifetime of discipline. So, it’s wiser to invest systematically and keep making progress as the march of time (and your career!) will inevitably dictate; change is both necessary and certain.

Most personal forward progress is made by investment. So, are you going to invest your time to figure out opportunities for improvement? Let’s face it, if there’s a march we all must eventually make anyway, then surely it’s better you proactively organize your steps!

Very Interesting Blog: what’s your choice for style and contents?

This blog represents a single departure from my normal style. You’re my customer (reader) so here’s the opportunity to order what you want, or to tune-up what I provide. You can contact me, here.

My blog is for those who want to control and improve their career opportunities and will work for that privilege. In general, Blogs are written for one of three primary reasons; Bloggers:

  • Believe their thoughts are important. Hopefully, a belief based in fact not ego
  • Want to sell you something. Example: I think you should read my book.
  • Need the attention. Related to both points above, in some regards!

The subject areas for this blog do not vary. They are, essentially: career management, job skills and tips, job-market factors and (work-related) self-development. Mostly it focuses on questions recently posed to myself and of obvious general-interest and value to a broader audience. The style is necessarily precise and the content provides the most complete guide/introduction to its particular subject within the scope a blog can offer. So, you can learn fast from a quick read.

There are many variations recommended for style and format, but Bloggers are most commonly advised to follow a general writing approach:

  • Have an attention-getting title
  • Open fast, hold attention and make a point or statement
  • Stay within 600-800 words
  • Provide multiple links to supporting evidence(4-6 seems typical)
  • Prominently reference anyone to whom you are beholden (Example: the host of the blog-website, if you are guesting)
  • Use the body of the blog to confirm/prove the opening point
  • Close by telling people what you told them, as we say. Then, repeat the main point and make a call to action
  • Oh yes, proof it well and watch the grammar, etc.

A tried and proven presentation style, but is it really exactly what people want? Is it what you want? The method can be perhaps a little dry, even for the writer. I have read innumerable blogs and often noticed a surprising and common theme. Many of those most read are not well organized to best provide useful and practical information. Frankly, they are even sometimes more accurately described as rambling thoughts than useful guides. However, this style is often very popular.

Blogs get reposted, referenced, quoted, tweeted and can show up anywhere. Personally, my primary cares are that readers get what they want and that they are many. So, while recognizing that everyone’s diverse needs can’t be met at the same time, the better this blog’s style and content matches your reported needs, the better.

As a reader of blogs (I assume we all read many) there are some you prefer, even some you read over again and dwell upon. Perhaps you’d like to see the questions people send to me? Want a lighter style, humor, or anecdotes? Should I have guest bloggers? Maybe a more rambling presentation of fleeting ideas and points is more appealing? It is quite likely you already know what makes a blog compelling for you. So, be sure to share your ideas, as I’d like to know, too.

The better you describe your likes and needs, the better support I can provide. I am really looking forward to hearing your thoughts! So, fire away. Here again is the link to reach me.

Management Team-Playing and a Super Bowl

Like many San Francisco Bay Area residents, I too have been entangled in pointless, post-Super Bowl “what went wrong” discussions. One theory considered the inherent conflicts to team success brought on by personal, high-stakes objectives and agendas held individually by players, coaching staff and ownership. Certainly, at the highest level everyone wants to win and is ”on the same team.” Yet the very skills bringing each person to a team and defining them as exceptional are the same things that must sometimes be subordinated to best truly help the team. For example a great receiver may just need to be a convincing decoy in some plays, or, a fiscally astute manager might sometimes need to pay a higher price to get exactly the right player the coach really needs. And, so it is with all managers and team play in every business.

Despite the fact that individuals are often promoted because they are capable of operating effective teams and groups, they must also be selfless as team players on their boss’ staff. The very strength of your (leadership) skills, if not carefully managed, can sometimes be a liability to your skill as a team player (and vice versa)!

People who invest in companies, products, and groups are very concerned that the team representing their interests are the best available. Regarding teamwork they care, What is the team’s:

Track record (what have they accomplished?)

Ability to work together (do they get along well?)

Ability to adapt (how well do they adapt to changing business goals and situations?)

Most sporting interests and every modern business purports to believe in empowered teams, with varying degrees of influence through less (or, sadly, sometimes more!) authoritarian managers. The motivation to establish such teams is the expectation they bring benefits including:

Motivated participants

Access to ground-level ideas

Environment of sustained progress

Nimble action

Ability to adapt

Improved communications

In addition to capturing the above-listed benefits, such effective, empowered teams free up the manager for higher-level tasks. Additionally, these teams should require only light management and oversight to ensure no overshoots in mission and/or responsibilities taken on by the team. Motivational rewards and recognition should always be built into the operation of such groups. (Only) when operated correctly, powerful examples of such teams are the quality circles particularly visible in the automotive industry.

In business there are really only three types of teams that might be established by management:

  1. Tiger teams/task forces. Groups temporarily established in order to address specific issues and/or resolve particular problems within defined timelines, resources and goals. They may be cross functional or organizationally vertical.
  2. Standing groups/committees. These continue through time to fulfill a mission or set of responsibilities. They also have defined problems to attack, with specific resources and goals, but without particular timeframe; again these may be either cross functional or vertical in their focus.
  3. Informal teams. Often self-assembled but sometimes created by management with occasional and ad hoc participation from within the group. They are good for facilitating informal communications, motivating participants and are capable of identifying underlying problems and highlighting concerns to management. Their informal nature means results are unpredictable as no specific goals are assigned unless one of the above team-types is created to seek specific results. Discussion groups organized around identified issues or particular professional disciplines are examples of this type.

When establishing any team it’s essential to make sure it’s correctly missioned and developed. The right leaders need to be in place, issues explained, any resources made available and relevant goals clearly defined. After commissioning there should be regular, adequate yet unobtrusive oversight, without undue direction. The team must track actions and have obstructions and impediments removed appropriately while thoughtful risk-taking and team action is encouraged. As always, the team should have their results showcased when needed and be rewarded/recognized appropriately.

Now, all of these principles work really well in business, and as I think about the analogies in professional sports I can see that many of these same principles (certainly not all!) are embraced in that environment, too. For example, half-time talks are meant to adjust a team’s plans and review what is and is not working well. Team leaders play a role in these discussions and the entirety is normally overseen and managed by coaching staff. In some cases troubling scenarios are reported where ownership/investors, engage, too! Not surprisingly, this is remarkably like any other business, even down to the crisis management and frighteningly short time-frames often required for adjustment.

It seems sports teams are highly tuned to respond to sudden changes, as indeed are some businesses; the face-to-face customer service function in general comes to mind. I just wonder if much of what has more recently entered the business world as team development and crisis management came from sports or was it vice versa? In either case, that Super Bowl loss is still weighing on my mind. So, like many other sufferers it only remains for me to read the reviews, accept the most plausible explanations, file them away and get over it!


Follow me  @ianrmackintosh

Is your boss a bully?

Late last week while performing some online research I was inadvertently sidetracked into the subject of Bullying in the Workplace. Normally, I would ignore such a distraction (and specifically tell others to avoid such defocused behavior!), but knowing several current sufferers in bad job situations, this interesting subject inevitably drew my attention. And, although reported numbers can differ, this problem is globally accepted as quite common, even sometimes being referred to as a “widespread phenomenon.” So, I waded through blogs, articles and reference pieces to understand others’ opinions and current thinking.

I was a little surprised to find that much short-form advice offered to “victims” was less direct than expected and even sometimes seemed based in a need for cathartic release! It also struck me just how diverse bullying in the workplace can be, ranging from occasional unsupportive comments, through sustained denigration into forms of sexual harassment and even cyber abuse. So, are you being abused now, or, have you ever been? Know any colleagues or friends who are suffering such problems? Sadly, it is statistically likely you do!

Do we always recognize when we are being bullied? It seems to me that if you think you’re being abused, you probably are. And, if anyone comments about negative treatment you receive, you might certainly already need to act. When you take action your recovery is underway and you are re-establishing control of your work life. For bullying to actually cease, a profound change must occur:

Either, the bully ”sees the light.” Very unlikely unless they are acting-out short-term stress problems brought on by (say) family and/or work issues that are truly abnormal and realistically can and will subside. Here the perpetrator needs to be professionally exposed to concerns and the results caused by their behavior.

Or, you and the bully part ways. This is typically the most common, sensible and essential outcome.

I personally don’t believe that bullies with long-term behavior problems can usually be fixed by training and counsel. Improvements seem possible, but fixes seem far less likely. Even if there appears to be hope, their victims are best served not sticking around to await the cure. They already have their own challenges, so should normally remove themselves to improved situations and begin their own forward progress.

A change of bosses will only happen in a couple of ways:

  1. The boss is moved, promoted away or changes companies. Don’t languish long in a bad situation waiting for this to happen unless there is some real certainty it will occur.
  2. You move into another part of the organization or change companies.

Once you recognize a bullying problem you need to plan your strategy. Frustratingly, even during tough economic times this might often mean you moving. However, a short-term inconvenience and upheaval is well worth the effort that can result in a happier work-life and perhaps even benefit your health. Be sure to use all the positive work experience and knowledge you gained in your (bullied) position to help you go to a new role, rather than allow the bullying drive you from your current role. Always move positively to a better future, never away from the past.

Bullies should not be allowed to work their ways without recourse.  We each have a human and professional duty to protect and help their victims. So, be sure to seek advice and guidance from known-trustworthy colleagues and influencers to help you ensure that bullies you observe (or leave behind) are well known within their companies. The goal should only be to deposit sound and balanced warnings with appropriate professionals who must take action, despite any temptations to seek vindication or revenge!

If you were ever such a victim, be sure to recognize and reflect upon this fact. You will not repair and grow without such acknowledgment. The worse and longer-term your abuse, the more important it is you understand even your own role in any inadvertent acceptance or tolerance that was involved. Be sure that any short-term situations you experience don’t take a toll you fail to recognize. Lastly, we shouldn’t obsess disproportionately about the past and if you find yourself doing so, involve others (quietly and privately). There are many on-line resources that can assist you and provide guidance.

Sometimes we undergo and accept abuse in the workplace which we fail even to recognize. Only upon reflection, does its reality become clear. So again, were you ever bullied? Did you take back control and turn that negative situation into a positive growth experience?

Better results with less available time

Like many folks I spent part of my weekend watching football at a “robust” gathering. Late during this event, I was approached by an experienced management professional who opened with, ”about effective management…” This is generally never a good introduction for me to any discussion (sigh), but fortunately this worked out quite well. It seems my new acquaintance is a senior and successful management professional who works long hours (even more so in recent years with this poor economy) and felt he had little more to learn in developing his own skills. He was particularly convinced that his time management skills are par excellence and this was the root of all his and most others’ career success. Note: throughout this blog we are specifically talking about personal time management.

I would agree that time management is a very critical skill in almost every management role. However, it is one of many. The set of skills one must develop for any job (and their specific priority) should be determined by the unique needs of that particular position. More than this, no matter how good any expert feels they are within in their field of greatest strength, they can always improve. Even world-class authorities constantly practice, study and evolve. Time management would seem to be a commonplace element in people’s lives as simple improvements can massively enhance one’s effectiveness and productivity. Hence our obsession with “One minute this” and “Five minute that!” Yet how many managers have actually sat down, studied and invested in their ability to maximize the effective use of their time? And, of those that have, how many have followed up and implemented important changes?

My own experience has been that as I either evolved in a particular position or was promoted to another, I was still able to make significant improvements in my own effectiveness if I periodically reviewed my time management practices. Something that does remain relatively constant is the process and method by which time is best managed:

  • Plan time and actions. Simple action item lists ensure you “check off” the positive results of each day and spend a few minutes planning the next.
  • Focus. Learn to do one thing at a time; be very Zen like and “eat when you eat!”
  • Manage your energy. Healthy regimens are a must in diet and exercise, but recognize if you are ultimately a “morning,” “afternoon” or “evening” person with respect to your highest productivity and adapt accordingly.
  • Avoid time wasting elements. Work when you work and relegate entertainments to breaks or private downtime.
  • Leverage technology. Increasing arrays of tools are available that range from hands-free headsets, through speech-to-text software to mobile phones for use during (convenient and safe) periods of travel.
  • Manage your mental health. The simple rule: don’t worry; just plan and act. Avoid negative elements and nonessential entanglements, recognize and celebrate what you achieve and simply re-plan missed goals to ensure success. Actively balance and separate your business and private lives.

Following such a regimen really requires self-discipline . Despite the simplicity of this process I have rarely seen anyone that routinely and effectively follows this simple method. I believe that adhering to such discipline would remove the obvious stress and struggle we see in many individuals, be they managers, individual contributors or even folks not within the traditional work-force! So, how well do you practice these principles?

As for my new acquaintance from the football party, he freely acknowledged he neither plans time and actions (uses no simple Action Item list(s)), nor actively Manages mental health (not enough quality family time). Although he requested I didn’t use his name, he thanked me for a recommendation and happily OK’d his mention in my blog. I wasn’t initially too pleased with him repeatedly referring to me as “the Management Dear Abby,” but on reflection, I’ll take it as a compliment!

Problem-Solving: the hallmark of a strong manager

A mid-level manager recently asked me what she could do to improve her problem-solving skills. Now, problem-solving is a critical management skill, fundamental to improving businesses and to rectifying and/or effectively resolving any less than optimal situation. So, I was surprised when it quickly became apparent this person was unaware that such competence is really a learned skill which can be improved and honed, rather than it being a “God-given gift,” or an expected, inherent capability.

It is normally the case that top managers are inherently strong in their problem-solving skills. However, it is also true that most of us can improve any competence with a little time and focus on a given subject. Good innate competence in a skill will not ensure we have a strong, repeatable method in our approach without a little investment in training. Indeed, training in problem-solving technique is one of the most important investments any manager can make. Just avoid materials that are less precise or incomplete with their descriptions.

Problem-solving is about process and organization. Clear thinking is always important, but if you understand how to systematically and repeatedly gather and process information about any new problem you encounter, you will invariably succeed in solving that problem. Although humans are natural problem solvers, most challenges we address are trivial, direct, and cause-and-effect in nature. When answers and underlying problems are less obvious, a solid skill-set and well-proven process is essential. Training classes usually prove the best method to learn and enhance problem-solving skills.

Training invariably provides good immersion in methodology and presents you the chance to study case histories. These will highlight and demonstrate the criticality of this skill, while providing working examples that you can use  to explore and practice the behavior. Although problem-solving has obvious uses in such areas as manufacturing, operations and research, it has equal value and application in improving and/or fixing sales, marketing, and even HR issues. Its application is both diverse and powerful in these areas and many aspects of everyday life.

The structure of most training typically teaches you to:

  • Recognize symptoms of the problem. This shows how to recognize what occurs, when, where and to what extent.
  • Record the facts. How to assess and keep records of observations made (as defined in the bulleted item, immediately above).
  • Brainstorm root causes. This speaks for itself; make a list of candidate root causes which are causing the symptoms recorded above.
  • Evaluate the possibilities. The process of eliminating candidate root causes, until only the culprit remains.
  • Install solutions. When the underlying problem is known it is key to follow-up with good closure, install and prove a solution then measure results and communicate the new situation/process to all those affected or involved.


These bullets (above) certainly provide the briefest possible description of problem-solving! A little more detail and discussion is offered in my own book, Empower Your Inner Manager. If you already recognize you have a real need for enhancing your problem-solving skills you can either leverage the references provided in my book, check out anything that might be offered through your own company, or go online and choose a training course you best feel matches your needs.

As for my mid-level manager friend, she decided she was going to need a fundamental training class. So, don’t forget that to be recognized as a well-skilled and proficient manager you will need to demonstrate proficient problem-solving skills, too!

20 Warning signs: Jobs at risk as opportunity

When an organization is not operating effectively there are always warning signs. Companies are designed to deliver profits and returns for investors so underlying problems will ultimately be addressed and as soon as is possible. Changes will result that can negatively impact the jobs of some, yet might offer opportunities for those who act to position themselves wisely.

Let us consider some of these macro level warning signs that might ultimately cause developments which can affect (our) jobs:

  • There are talks of group/company sale
  • New management is already under construction
  • Outsourcing discussions or trips are occurring
  • Recent acquisitions forewarn consolidations
  • Headcount is flat or declining
  • Ongoing consolidation of groups/jobs/tasks/ is occurring
  • Sales aren’t happening
  • Bookings are below forecast
  • Management leadership lacks enthusiasm and drive
  • Reorganizations are in discussion
  • Key managers are bailing out
  • Unidentified management meetings are underway
  • Bonuses are shrinking or vanishing
  • On-time delivery performance is eroding
  • Internal systems are inadequate or faulty
  • Profit outlook is declining
  • Aggressive product pricing changes are necessary
  • New products are late or abandoned
  • Aggressive cost cutting / company events canceled / perks vanishing
  • Focus increased on attendance/work-hours

It is easy enough to see if some or many of these high-level warning signs are in play. Even more troubling would be personal warning signs, such as:

  • Discussions illuminating details of your daily tasks or interfaces with other groups
  • Reduced interest in your opinion (diminishing personal power)

There are many more signs that might be considered, yet the listing above is comprehensive and should illuminate most liabilities. Perhaps such occurrences are not ultimately threatening to your own specific position? However, it would prove unwise to ignore them without further thoughtful consideration or discrete inquiries through trusted colleagues.

As a wise man once said, “Only the paranoid survive.” So, even though all companies and operating groups have problems it is wise to check into what is going on if some or many of the warning signs noted above are present in your work environment. It should be of particular concern if these items just recently occurred or have taken a sudden turn-for-the-worse. In either case, be sure you have a plan and plan proactively.

On a positive note, always remember that change is opportunity. If such warning signs are driving things in the direction of risk and uncertainty for some, then there is an opportunity for advancement and progression for others. After all, a problem addressed and overcome will positively highlight any individual’s ability to take on tough challenges and succeed!

Are You in Charge of Your Management Career?

With supporting reports emerging almost daily from TodayMSNBC and more, it’s reasonable to acknowledge the workplace is far more hostile than it was just 10 years ago. Economic pressures, outsourcing, business contractions and falling profits all contribute to make the work environment tougher and, frankly, outright competitive.

So, what do you do as an aspiring manager wanting to advance? How do you seek the best way forward and target that desirable promotion to secure your career path? How do you set yourself apart in the applicant pool?

Simply put, you must first acknowledge the need to take action. It’s not enough to hope to “stay put” and receive regular promotions in an expanding business environment. For most managers, (from the very junior up to the CEO spot) that time is in the past.

Nevertheless, not everyone seems to act. A wise executive once told me there are three reasons people fail to take action. Namely, they:

  1. Don’t want to.
  2. Don’t know how to.
  3. Have become lazy; sometimes called the “fat Rep” syndrome

Now, if you want to control your management career, then by definition most folks should be well motivated; so, item number 1 should be less of a concern. And given most positions no longer leave people “fat, dumb and happy,” item number 3 is much less a factor, too. Therefore, the implication is that aspiring managers wanting to advance (but not taking active measures) simply do not know howto systematically go about the task.

Few of us can afford to spend years randomly searching for reliable ways to position ourselves as strong candidates for positions we desire. Ideally, a “canned methodology” with an obvious structure and proven method is what is required. Similarly, the best way to move forward is by being systematic. What is required is a process that is precise, targeted, reliable, repeatable and, above all, easy to use.

Planning a management career is not a one-time event. Rather, it is a lifelong process that is best undertaken methodically and reviewed systematically over time. Further, it is important to recognize that promotions typically go to those already best prepared to fill the position. Normally, that next job places demands upon you that exceed the skills you currently employ in your day-to-day activity. So, you need to develop yourself for that next role. It is better that you already possess attributes and skills necessary for that next role before you are up for promotion. Importantly, by investing in your proactive development you can position yourself as the best candidate for that job you desire.

More specifically, to target that next position you will need to:

Understand the foundational and generic management skills the job requires

Understand the nature of those generic management skills

Honestly assess your own current competence in the skills you have identified

Select the specific skills you can develop in yourself to enhance your candidacy

Develop a personalized plan to affect the necessary improvements

Once you’ve learned how to target one position, you can readily target any other. More importantly, once you are empowered to recognize how to invest in your career you can continue to plan, reassess and revisit your growth needs as they evolve in the future.

Graduates: career planning in tough economic times

At a recent dinner with several graduates (all from top California universities) who began their careers during this recession era, I enquired about the challenges new graduates are facing in California, today. They surprised me with the issues they chose to highlight and upon which they universally agreed.

Firstly, let us begin by considering the backdrop of an increasingly hostile workplace being portrayed almost daily with supporting reports from Today, MSNBC and more; the workplace is clearly now a tougher environment and frankly, often outright competitive.

So, what is the primary challenge that graduates currently face? The group’s opinion was that it is one of both morale and expectation. Either new job applicants are immediately deflated by tales of overwhelming difficulties in securing any job at all, or, those less easily dissuaded (often products of prestigious schools with credentials as top students) and newly established in their first jobs are then subsequently disillusioned by work environments they feel are neither conducive nor receptive to, their advancement.

This is a troubling anecdotal proposition! Basically, if you weren’t alarmed at the prospects for even getting hired in the first place, you will likely be disheartened by the immediate outlook for the position you finally do secure.

As I recall the pre-recession era, graduates were often presumed to go through a “settling” phase within the first 1.5-2years of accepting their first position. It was commonly believed that if they didn’t “move on” at this time, then they would typically settle into their roles for >5 years, before their next major, personal-career reassessment. These seemed to be reasonable “rules-of-thumb,” given typical ages for graduation and the fact that such progressions seem somewhat chronologically likely, anyway. This type of pigeonholing can sometimes seem questionable, but often provides useful guidance for proactive managers and mentors.

However, now the economic climate is much more challenging and frankly, likely to remain so for new graduates several years into the future and this, during the formative years of their careers. Economic pressures, outsourcing, business contractions and generally slowed growth all contribute to make the work environment tougher and career advancements more tenuous. It seems only reasonable to assume that graduates will now become more restless and uncertain with their careers and earlier.

So, what is the solution for you as a new graduate? How do you best establish your career and secure your future? Intriguingly, the solution is really the same now as always, but certainly even more important to pursue in these times of increased competition for promotional opportunities and advancement.

If you want to progress your career, you must maximize your value. This is an act of pro-action, just as were the studies and work that secured your graduation. And, let’s face it, if you don’t invest in yourself for promotion, your competitors likely will!

To develop yourself and increase your value you will need to:

Understand the new skills and qualifications that your advancement will require

Honestly assess your current competence regarding these skills and qualifications

Develop a personalized plan to gain and implement essential improvements

Once you have learned to continuously prepare yourself for advancement you can readily target specific promotional opportunities. More importantly, you are empowered by embracing the process of investing in your career and can do so time-and-again, even as your growth needs evolve in the future through increasingly senior management positions.