Defining Leadership Products

product-developmentSeveral months ago I re-Tweeted an article that explained how to avoid problems during the definition and development of your (primarily) technological products.

This was a good piece, but didn’t specifically describe the basic methodology for how to successfully define such a product. So, let me rectify that by offering the relevant, proven-solid specifics, below. It is universally applicable for most product-types.

Today, many teams become distracted and fall prey to product definition problems largely attributable to the lack of fidelity in their execution. However, the process for getting things defined correctly can be quite simple. It’s well proven and fundamentally failsafe.

To get things right all you need to do is follow this Six Part Process:

  • Find Lead Customers

Clients must be credible and linked to you be able to leveraging them into credible and likely downstream purchases. There will typically be 3-6 companies you approach and they should preferably represent the practical application breath your end-product needs to serve.

Avoid engagements where customers may borrow your ideas for repurposing internally or with other suppliers. Great trust and sharing of future plans is typically required bilaterally with these people, who are to review, comment upon and add real value to your Spec.


  • Offer your Trial Product Spec as you go

To get audiences with clients you have to bring something complete and credible to the table; basically, this must be your Spec or a prototype. This offering is a supplement to an (ideally) already existing, meaningful relationship you have with the Lead Client which is based upon trust and prior shared experiences.

Work jointly with the first customer to tune-up your spec; ensure that Must Have and Nice To Have needs are incorporated (or, put aside) appropriately. Update the spec accordingly and move to the next lead customer on your list.


  • Correct the Spec as you proceed

The spec will evolve and (likely) grow as you complete your first pass by these clients. Update and adjust as required, always minimizing additions and identifying Wants, Likes and REAL Needs as they deserve.


  • Beware of building a Battleship or designing a Camel

As you cycle by clients, from time to time you must stop and carefully review the current Spec. Is it becoming unnecessarily bloated and/or distorted by less important content? Are you losing sight of customer needs, becoming overly focused on the technology?

Brutally cut back Specs so they contain just those features that define a compelling product with which desired Lead Customers will hungrily engage.

Be certain all content remains in the Spec that ensures hooks are included to extend in future directions which will or might be required. Don’t overestimate here, but also don’t architect something that cannot evolve, or will need major rework for future development(s). Do not build your product on sand.


  • Re-circle the Lead Guys and Confirm

When the Spec is trimmed down to a lean offering that you believe will grab interest and secure Lead Customer engagement, you can then make a final pass at those customer contacts. Double-check these clients are still bought-in and voice real commitment to your final version. Ensure their needs for ease-of-use and functionality are all satisfied as required and when needed.


  • Implement On-Time and As Specified

This is easy to say and harder to accomplish. Ideally, you should deliver exactly as promised. Commit to availability of what will satisfy Lead Clients’ essential requirements and to delivery by when it must arrive.

And never forget. When the product goes through Beta Tests you must have all the support available that will be required to overcome inevitable problems and make users feel safe.

When you’re speaking to clients and asking questions, heed the following warning. I have personally met clients that when faced with a what do you need question often fall back (through lack of their knowledge in your space) to a what have you got response, when queried about product requirements. Circumvent this dilemma by unearthing what they’re trying to accomplish with their own work and thus determine how your product can assist and empower them in reaching these objectives.

I have seen many developers flounder when interpreting unclear customer needs. This is often caused by either their own inability to truly understand the customer’s products (and thus needs) and usage, or by personal indecisiveness. Don’t let your team fall into either of these holes.

Let me offer a closing note of opportunity. Clients often find surprising, innovative means to use and adapt your products in ways that you may not have anticipated at the outset. Keep your eyes open early on for signs of such ideas as they often lead to killer features you can include.

So, if you’re looking to bring innovative, leadership products to market, try this process.

It works. It’s proven. Check it out and watch your market-driven products take off!

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh



Leadership is Built upon Our Core Beliefs

thThere are many simple beliefs we fall back upon to guide us through our professional and private lives.

Let me offer a dozen thoughts I have regularly seen to be relevant. In no particular order, they are:



  • A leader owns all problems until guidance is complete
  • A problem noticed is worth investigation. Repeated symptoms should cause alarm
  • Relationships should begin with respect and support
  • Listen often and actively to unearth opportunities
  • Nobody learns until they are ready
  • Demand honesty and integrity from all, just don’t rely on it from others
  • Be hard on the problem, not the person. And, know the difference
  • Everyone brings value if the right position exists
  • Never venture down a path without knowing options
  • Profoundly understand the nature of your business
  • Look to Nature, Culture and Experiences to decipher interactions
  • Support through difficulty builds greater trust

Here are two more thoughts that were deliberately offered to me by others many years ago and which I have always seen as profound. They are:

You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. (A well-known and almost homespun saying!)

Everything is important, just not awfully


I have seen hundreds of such snippets over the years. Many prove to be variations on others, or often do not possess the same frequent relevance.

Here’s hoping these particular thoughts resonate you.

If you have a favorite you’d like to pass along, feel free to share.

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

Understand the True Costs in both Business and Life

th-2Nothing is free, not ever.

This is said without cynicism, but rather as a warning.

Everything has a price. Value is extracted from all gifts, goods, service, thoughts and even words offered. The only issue is the form it takes.

Often we hear of things that come for free, are offered freely, or free. On careful reflection none of this stands wholly true.

In business things added on or bundled for free, are already paid for or benefit the giver in some (usually, very) direct way. Buy this and you get this free. Typically, something given in this manner ties you to a path of action, extending the seller’s reach.

Engineers might claim a development approach brings some additional feature(s) for free. Invariably there is always some real additional creation, and/or maintenance cost. Sometimes this can be attractive.

Often love is given freely, without expectation. Yet at the meanest level there objectively is normally an expectation of reciprocation or practical return. And, the giving itself can be the great value sought by many people.

Again, this is offered as insight rather than trite expose of human behavior. A price or value is invariably extracted and attached. Isn’t this just human nature?

Free goods at retailers are paid for by someone or some entity. A famous commercial example is the free razor which is notoriously funded by a lifetime of your razor-blade purchases.

Sometimes business deals are sweetened by offers of reportedly free or discounted add-ons. If these are not already pre-funded by planned or existing purchases there can often be an expectation tied to goodwill, intended to influence your downstream behavior.

If you accept this overall reasoning, why does it matter, anyway? Might not this perspective just sour your view of the world?

Is there some emotional risk in believing that nothing is free, everything has a price? Not at all, if situations are always viewed with true detachment and objectivity.

It is perhaps much wiser to be guided by these principles in business and your life. Better to understand the reason, price and intent behind every apparent gift, than be unwittingly manipulated and sometimes used.

News is free, too. Yet I have rarely seen a news service where a specific perspective isn’t squarely represented within the text of the delivery. Have you?

Relationships are similarly influenced. They’re filled with expectations, unspoken demands and requests. If there is a tolerable symbiotic balance, what does it really matter? If not, watch out.

Take a good look around at those free things you receive. What are they? Do you recognize any unacceptable and unspoken costs? Are they worth their price?

Always remember, if you perceive anything to be truly free, you just haven’t looked closely enough.

Ultimately, we all have finite resources. So, you’d better check the prices you’re paying.


Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

Successful Leaders Interpret for Others

communications-300x197Ever notice that whenever we want to put a leader in a new role we always make the perfunctory demand they be a good Communicator? It’s seemingly been this way forever.

But what does this really mean? What are we looking for?

Clearly the person must be skilled in articulating their thoughts professionally and be able to state them in an accurate and situation-appropriate manner.

Is this alone, enough? Not really. So, when interviewing we typically review other relevant, seemingly supporting and complementary job-specific skills such as knowledge of this, expertise in that.

Yet even these requirements do not help us fully address what we truly might want to see in the candidate.

The fact is leaders are fundamentally representatives. They head Teams, Groups, Organizations, and Companies.

A major part of a leader’s role is clarifying the needs, objectives, challenges, results and more that their organizational groups also need to communicate outwardly. So, to be really effective a leader must additionally be a great Interpreter of these issues.

Being exceptional in communicating your own thoughts and ideas is one thing, but what about the situation where you might have little specific immediate knowledge to impart? In this case when you lead any group of people you will invariably then need to advocate and present what is essentially their case, from the information they provide.

Most leaders are not inherently expert in the many diverse disciplines resident within their organizations. Nor are they knowledgeable of all the details swirling around often numerous activities.

So to represent their groups, leaders first have to dig out or review facts/detail, then assess, formulate, summarize and finally articulate the outbound communication required.

Regardless of their size, organizations normally have to seamlessly communicate both laterally and vertically. Often they need to be represented to other organizations of different disciplines. Leaders must present their issues to peers, other executives, boards, companies, customers, suppliers and more.

Often these same groups/teams have unique or specialized vocabulary while possessing diverse/sophisticated skills and knowledge.

Clearly the ability to interpret in such varied situations and for differing personnel is critical.

Ever seen recruiters, hiring managers or even boards consistently and specifically searching for an exceptional Interpreter? Not too often. This common need is rarely specifically stated. However, it is often of paramount importance that an individual’s skill in this area be exceptional.

Certainly if an individual evidences great skill as an Interpreter, you’ll often soon uncover their supporting abilities to (un-prioritized):

  • Work Closely with Others
  • Empathize
  • Stimulate Ideas from Others
  • Understand Diverse Issues
  • Synthesize Concepts
  • And, much more

On two occasions I was personally appointed to executive positions for the primary reason of being perceived as a good interpreter. This is notable here for two reasons:

  • In neither case was I told this was a critical job requirement
  • In both cases the current board and executive teams couldn’t clearly understand what the exceptionally skilled engineering team was telling them

Admittedly, these facts provide troubling food-for-thought on many fronts. Not least, why weren’t the job spec or interviews set to ensure candidates came prepared to showcase their specifically relevant skills? Nevertheless, these experiences clearly illustrate the importance of being able to Interpret from and Communicate for others.

Being a good Interpreter is not simply about having expertise in a field or the discipline in discovery. It is more important that a leader be (un-prioritized):

  • Inquisitive
  • Questioning
  • Nonthreatening and Diplomatic
  • Thorough and Rigorous
  • Open-minded
  • Trustworthy

It’s noticeable that many of these traits are those possessed by a good Problem Solver, too. Coincidence?

Now, returning to our theme: For Leaders in general, the larger the organization the more diverse and numerous the skill-sets embedded in the enterprise. So, inevitably as a Leader you can’t know everything, but you must preferably be able to interpret anything.

And, such competence has much broad application in personal life.

We must often interpret for others when living many of the roles in which we find ourselves.

By analogy, Mothers explain to others what their toddlers are saying. Parents support difficult, less-articulate teenagers with teachers and even family/friends. And, so on.

We are constantly interpreting by understanding the desires, wants, needs and facts presented to us by others.

In the workplace the need for skilled interpretation is obvious. You and your organization are not going to succeed unless issues, objectives, data and purpose are accurately interpreted and appropriately articulated.

Are you doing the best job in interpreting for those you represent? Their ideas and sustained efforts are essential. Do they feel understood and well-represented by you?

Take a close look at your interpretation skills. Should they be sharpened to better leverage and communicate the issues and opportunities within your organization?

Above all, remember: You can be a great communicator, but without Interpreting, then appropriately Considering, Valuing and Using the insights of others, you’re really only going it alone.

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh



Leaders Must Plan and Adapt as their Roles Change

th-1I recently heard an ex-MLB player turned analyst offer a significant insight. ”If a player comes up to the Big Leagues and doesn’t already have a plan of how he’ll stay there, he won’t.”

This is a solid observation from experience, but it’s also highly relevant in business. Even further, doesn’t this say volumes about the importance of proactive and timely self-preparation as an imperative when we enter any new role in life?

The business analogy is striking. It doesn’t matter if you’re enjoying a promotion, trying a lateral move, or even suffering a demotion in some form; the role is materially different.

In these times immediate readiness and preparation is often expected whether a move is inside or outside your company.

Changing to any new business role will demand many actions on your part. Some will be more urgent and important than others. This will depend on the specific situation.

In any situation you will need to (un-prioritized):

  • Establish a level of Mental Preparedness
  • Adapt to Culture, as required
  • Learn the Reporting and Personal Power structures in play
  • Over-Communicate (both laterally and vertically)
  • Build Relationships with new and key people
  • Engage others and Build Trust
  • Learn relevant Systems and Tools
  • Understand Competitive Landscape and Market(s)
  • Accommodate Existing Agendas and Goals as/if required
  • Identify and support essential Standing Meetings
  • Develop a Vision and Strategy
  • Plan for the future
  • Set/confirm Goals and establish Key Metrics
  • Get some Early Wins for and with your team
  • Set up Your Lifestyle to match short, medium and long-term needs for sustained focus
  • And, more

Most importantly, ask yourself what personal skills does this role demand of me and their priority? Make and compare a critical assessment of your current skills. To be certain, check this with a trusted colleague or mentor. Alternatively, use this guide.

Next, quickly define timely supporting actions to address those skill improvements you’ll personally require.

What you inherit in any new role will necessitate that essential maintenance and support melds with future plans for both your Business and Self. Confirm these plans with your boss/trusted colleague(s) as appropriate.

It doesn’t matter if the new role appears to need only minor adaptation on your part. Invariably, more profound changes will be valuable. Again, ask and check.

Most roles involve different balances of Internal and External Company focus. What does this job require? Adapt your learning habits, priorities, contacts and relationships accordingly.

Practically, you typically get one chance to successfully set a solid foundation upon which to build your role. So, get it right.

Have you recently changed your role at work? Did you actively set aside time to Plan your way forward? Considered both the practical and personal requirements of the job?

Our many roles in life often warrant similar attention. Have you recently had a child, married or even bought a house? If so, one of your personal roles is fundamentally changed. In such a case, have you set yourself up to succeed?

There can be times to simply fly by the seat of your pants. Nevertheless, just be sure that when you reach the Big Leagues you’ve planned how to stay and thrive.

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

Top Leaders Know How to Negotiate

NEGOTIATION_HANDSHAKE_LOGO-300x199The whole world is a Bazaar and your place in it the result of many negotiations.

In business we expect to-and-fros in settling a business contract. The Sales and Marketing teams negotiate with their customers.

Yet life itself is a Negotiation. We jockey for position and benefits with bosses, coworkers, colleagues, friends, spouses and even our children. Everyone is selling something so negotiation inevitably permeates both our workplace and private lives.

In Western culture negotiation and haggling is often seen as somewhat tacky, occasionally unrefined and even sometimes a dirty business. This is neither the case in other parts of the world, nor in many societies.

Most purchases made in the Near, Middle and Far East are acquired through negotiation. Consequently, cross-cultural dealings can often leave those less immersed in the process at a disadvantage.

Take a step back and look anew at the everyday interactions that constantly surround us. Almost all human dealings are a negotiation. And importantly, everything can be negotiated.

Next time you go to the store to (say) buy a sofa, try negotiating. Ignore the marked price, politely ask for a discount, check for cash-purchase consideration, request that a lamp to be thrown-in (free) with the buy, ask if they’ll pick up the Sales Tax. What do you have to lose? Be Creative.

Sellers can often be disadvantaged by competing products, aging inventory, slow sales, personal commission objectives and much more. A competent buyer can quickly expose such opportunities with insightful questions and a confident demeanor.

The reverse can hold true for sellers, too. Standing your ground, confidently showcasing product strengths and competitive advantages all enhances your position.

Seldom is there a true standoff in any negotiation. Someone usually wants to sell and there is normally a very curious buyer. And, at some point one party is invariably just a little more motivated to give.

Normally, one side typically better holds their ground. Remember the closing negotiations to the Vietnam War? The US-backed negotiating team moved into a hotel at the outset of the talks. The North Vietnamese delegation took out a long-term lease on a Villa. Results of these discussions are well known and often studied.

Much the same situation exists in the workplace. Here you too are intensely engaged; immersed in your career for the long haul. So, you had better accommodate its importance in both your short and long-term dealings with others.

There are many great books and teachings offering guidance about negotiation. Personally, I’ve always thought there’s just a few key Must-Do’s to keep in mind:

  • Know your Facts

A little preparation will go a long way. At least be armed with some forethought and essential facts. Don’t be discovering too much on-the-fly.


  • Understand Who you’re dealing with

You’ll make better headway if you know the motivations of the people/person with whom you’re negotiating. They’ll have emotional, cultural and practical needs that you should consider and satisfy, as necessary.


  • Be prepared to Walk Away

Remain objective and as unemotional as appropriate. Know the point below which you should not go or line you must not cross, but do modify this if new compelling facts emerge along the way.


  • Seek a Win-Win result

If you’re dealing with someone more than just one time, be sure they can view the end result in some meaningful, positive light. You can extract more from the deal if you truly will never be interacting with this person again (perhaps, much like buying from a car salesman?).


  • Never, ever Name Your Price

Keep talking and have the other guy offer his/her price first. Even then, talk some more and then push them harder. Only confirm a price when you truly must or good manners demand.

Western cultures are not set up for us to negotiate absolutely everything. But where it really matters, do your homework and get the critical results you value. Be sure you neither under nor overestimate the strength of your position; remain realistic.

Just remember, if you’re not negotiating on a critical issue, your counterpart likely is. Sadly, it’s doubtful they’ll always have your best interests in mind.

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

Got the Practical Skills of a True Leader?

We’re all familiar with the traits of exceptional leaders. They generally

  • Inspire
  • Motivate
  • Accomplish major Results

And, typically have a Vision accompanied by a truly Positive Outlook.

Such traits emerge as the leader grows in confidence and capability. They evolve as a result of careful and specific learning.

Exceptional learning is established through

  • Dedicated and Deliberate Practice

And importantly

  • Excellent coaching and guidance
  • Enthusiastic (family and/or professional) support

Leaders acquire these traits (or attributes) built upon their mastery of specific, quantifiable Skills. These skills will include:

  • Specific, job-related knowledge
  • Problem-solving
  • Decision analysis
  • Interpersonal/management-styles awareness
  • Delegating
  • Motivating
  • Planning
  • Organizing
  • Controlling
  • Reengineering
  • Team-playing
  • Leading
  • Mentoring

This is a significant body of study and work in which to invest. It cannot be mastered overnight. Inevitably, as anyone sets out to be a skilled Leader (or Manager) of others they must decide where to begin.

As with any process the action plan should consider priorities. These are unique to youand your goals. What must I know first? What is most urgent? What will have the maximum benefit for me over time?

There are several resources available when planning your priorities. You can

  • Ask your boss
  • Work with a mentor
  • Check those (next job) specifications with HR (if they have them)
  • DIY

Clearly the best approach will usually be taking guidance from a trusted colleague/expert; commonly the quickest and most secure route. The important thing is to get a plan/timeline, then commit and begin the process.

Learning is a lifelong investment and your development as a leader is no different. It’s said that if you read (i.e. learn) for an hour a day, by the end of seven years you should be a world-class expert on your chosen subject. Careers are inherently very lengthy, so this offers great opportunity for those who will make the commitment.

Begin by picking a path of learning that delivers you short-term benefits and validation, yet maximizes your progress and ultimately will develop your abilities to a well-rounded result.

I can also offer you an alternative and specific, hands-on guide to this process.

Developing these essential skills need not be an entirely formalized process. True, some things are best learned by such means, but many others can be digested and embraced through casual reading and even informal meetings.

Whatever method you’re employing just ensure you DigestConsider and Practice the skill. It’s well-accepted that all new skills are best assimilated by their use and application.

Good luck with your investment in becoming a more skilled, accomplished and exceptional Leader!

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

Leaders Possess Solid Foundational Beliefs

There are many simple beliefs we fall back upon to guide us through our professional and private lives.

Let me offer a dozen thoughts I have regularly seen to be relevant. In no particular order, they are:


  • A leader owns all problems until guidance is complete


  • A problem noticed is worth investigation. Repeated symptoms should cause alarm


  • Relationships should begin with respect and support


  • Listen often and actively to unearth opportunities


  • Nobody learns until they are ready


  • Demand honesty and integrity from all, just don’t rely on it from others


  • Be hard on the problem, not the person. And, know the difference


  • Everyone brings value if the right position exists


  • Never venture down a path without knowing options


  • Profoundly understand the nature of your business


  • Look to Nature, Culture and Experiences to decipher interactions


  • Support through difficulty builds greater trust

Here are two more thoughts that were deliberately offered to me by others many years ago and which I have always seen as profound. They are:

You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.(A well-known and almost homespun saying!)

Everything is important, just not awfully

I have seen hundreds of such snippets over the years. Many prove to be variations on others, or often do not possess the same frequent relevance.

Here’s hoping these particular thoughts resonate with you.

If you have a favorite you’d like to pass along, feel free to share.

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

Leaders Perceive the Real Costs

Nothing is free, not ever.

This is said without cynicism, but rather as a warning.

Everything has a price. Value is extracted from all gifts, goods, service, thoughts and even words offered. The only issue is the form it takes.

Often we hear of things that come for free, are offered freely, or free. On careful reflection none of this stands wholly true.

In business things added on or bundled for free, are already paid for or benefit the giver in some (usually, very) direct way. Buy this and you get this free. Typically, something given in this manner ties you to a path of action, extending the seller’s reach.

Engineers might claim a development approach brings some additional feature(s) for free. Invariably there is always some real additional creation, and/or maintenance cost. Sometimes this can be attractive.

Often love is given freely, without expectation. Yet at the meanest level there objectively is normally an expectation of reciprocation or practical return. And, the giving itself can be the great value sought by many people.

Again, this is offered as insight rather than trite expose of human behavior. A price or value is invariably extracted and attached. Isn’t this just human nature?

Free goods at retailers are paid for by someone or some entity. A famous commercial example is the free razor which is notoriously funded by a lifetime of your razor-blade purchases.

Sometimes business deals are sweetened by offers of reportedly free or discounted add-ons. If these are not already pre-funded by planned or existing purchases there can often be an expectation tied to goodwill, intended to influence your downstream behavior.

If you accept this overall reasoning, why does it matter, anyway? Might not this perspective just sour your view of the world?

Is there some emotional risk in believing that nothing is free, everything has a price? Not at all, if situations are always viewed with true detachment and objectivity.

It is perhaps much wiser to be guided by these principles in business and your life. Better to understand the reason, price and intent behind every apparent gift, than be unwittingly manipulated and sometimes used.

News is free, too. Yet I have rarely seen a news service where a specific perspective isn’t squarely represented within the text of the delivery. Have you?

Relationships are similarly influenced. They’re filled with expectations, unspoken demands and requests. If there is a tolerable symbiotic balance, what does it really matter? If not, watch out.

Take a good look around at those free things you receive. What are they? Do you recognize any unacceptable and unspoken costs? Are they worth their price?

Always remember, if you perceive anything to be truly free, you just haven’t looked closely enough.

Ultimately, we all have finite resources. So, you’d better check the prices you’re paying.


Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

Leadership APPROACH Ensures Ideas Pan Out

I always explore business scenarios and options with the goal of achieving the very best possible outcome. Who doesn’t, really?

In practice this selection is not always available. However, you can always get the best outcome possible.

Life and business normally demand that we aim high. In the end we should only abandon ideal solutions when they are shown to be truly untenable or too costly. Even before this we should work them a little to see if they can be kept in play using acceptable investment and adjustments.

In general, it’s seemingly only the more capable or seasoned people who really seem to dig in, find a way and make things happen. It appears that those who give up more easily are perhaps just not exploring their alternatives in the right way.

In some cases individuals just don’t show the intestinal fortitude required to endure. In others, they seem insufficiently equipped and unknowledgeable of the process with which to proceed.

I have found the following three-phase approach to be invaluable for those needing a little more structure. All that is required is to:

  • Project out far enough

When considering your options ensure you envision them sufficiently into the future. How might they change or need to be adapted? What liability might arise and what will then be your next options and so on. Look ahead, just like playing a game of chess.

As you consider risks you should proactively and carefully review how you’ll proceed when you run into such likely bumps in the road.


  • Look Deeply enough/Confirm Options ARE generally viable

Not all options are viable. Many choices are flawed and need closer inspection. Yet not everything can be explored exhaustively. However, every option you’re relying upon should not be superficially deemed viable without close inspection adequately proving it to be so.


  • Churn

When we’re on-the-run we don’t always commit our plans to paper. Sometimes we should. However, in every situation we need to frequently and systematically, continually review our options.

Things change. Both circumstance and time can make good plans bad and those once-untenable approaches might again become viable. Keep your eyes open wide while quietly churning the plan in your mind until execution is secure.

If any plan is important to your cause you need to work it. Don’t assume any chosen path will pan out exactly as conceived. They invariably don’t.

It’s your ability to adapt and overcome in a quickly changing environment that is often the difference between a lethargic failure and an outstanding success.

So, make your plans carefully and keep them churning over in your mind. Ensure they result in the best possible outcome.


Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh