Leaders Seize Diverse Life Lessons to Guide Their Successes

Years ago I was lucky to watch an ex-MLB player teaching Little-Leaguers some basic fielding skills.

That training stuck with me. Even today I notice when top pros sometimes fail to apply the technique.

Still further, I subsequently realized the profound metaphor, life lesson and business guidance this same coaching offered.

Perhaps this broad application was an unwitting result? Maybe the significance has long been understood? It’s hard to know with any certainty.

Either way, let me offer those same instructions, here.

When you’re playing baseball out in the field and the ball is hit in your direction:

  • Immediately Assess: Direction, Movement and Distance

Where does it appear to be headed?

  • Don’t Act Prematurely, continue Assessment

Never rush anywhere till the flight becomes sufficiently clear.

  • Step Away Before you Move In

Always, first get on your heels or step back if there’s any chance it might go over your head.

  • Charge Early, but only when it’s Surely Falling Short

Never let the ball get passed you, ever. A belated turn is always a disaster and even looks foolish.

  • Recognize Quickly when Flight becomes certain

Only then commit 100%; continue tracking the ball and make the interception. Never take your eye off the ball.

Now, everywhere the word ball is used or implied (above), you can substitute the word Problem, or Issue, or Challenge.

The metaphor holds up strikingly well.

Do you have life and/or business problems headed your way? It’s invariably so. Then take a lesson from the big leagues and those privileged Little-Leaguers I saw being trained.

Assess every challenge thoroughly before you act. Don’t wait too long, but don’t rush in till you’re certain how to proceed and where to position.

And, if you need to keep backing up, start out in that direction so you might more readily retreat to the best place for intercepting the issue when you’re ready.

In closing, also notice this same guidance holds equally practical value if you’re playing any ball/court/field sport.

Here’s wishing you good luck addressing problems when the ball’s coming in your direction.

If you have any analogous wisdom or anecdotes to share Tweet me @ianrmackintosh or leave a comment below. I’d really like to hear your thoughts.

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

Do You really Know How and Why you Make Choices?

Over the years I’ve seen many occasions where companies hired or promoted what I viewed as clearly inferior candidates. And, these were very deliberate and considered selections.

In each instance I happened to be unusually knowledgeable of the job requirements, final candidates and hiring managers. Many times even knowledgeable outsiders raised eyebrows at these obviously weak choices.

The only uniform theme making sense of the selections was the fact that those people hired were well-known to the hiring managers; in truth, warts and all.

We see this over and again. Obviously bad choices are regularly made primarily through familiarity; despite blatant alarms sounding because of this same familiarity.

Humans tend to favor the familiar when making decisions. It’s a natural tendency. But we wouldn’t make poor choices knowingly, would we?

Actually, I believe we do. We’ve all tolerated and opted for the devil we know on occasion. Sometimes we live with what we can tolerate, rather than carefully decide what we need. Certainly this is neither a good general recipe for life, or business.

It’s commonly accepted that when someone doesn’t act it’s for one of three reasons. But if that lack of action (or, defaulted choice) will become detrimental in the long-term then we need to be very careful to not just accept the familiar.

Reasons not to act or fail to make better choices are that we:

Don’t Know how

Don’t Want to

Are Lazy

These barriers are equally appropriate whether we are derelict in adequately searching out better job candidates, or are hung-up making a basic decision for our personal lives.

But just how entrenched are we in more readily accepting the familiar, rather than exploring more deeply?

Late last week I found myself needing repairs on a household heating/cooling system. I rooted around looking for the name of a vendor I used previously. Sadly, I didn’t find a direct paper trail to identify them.

However, when digging through Angie’s List (and others) I finally recognized this previous supplier’s contact information. I was literally overjoyed; familiarity in a sea of unknowns. Now I had in-hand both this rediscovery together with a handful of other viable and researched options.

Then there came a strong a strong realization. The vendor I was so pleased to track down had previously presented me with several unacceptable problems. I should be avoiding this company, not feeling excited to reconnect. In all honestly I had known of my concerns even when I originally searched for them.

Such is the power of familiarity. Familiar does not mean great, or even tolerable. Often familiar is nothing more.

Fortunately I made my adjustment and went in another direction. I know how to go about finding alternatives, am not naturally lazy and do want to make good decisions. So, I avoided all the (previously noted) reasons that often block our actions.

Despite my lucky escape and (hopefully) new awareness, I have to wonder how often each of us just settles for an inferior outcome, or unwittingly accepts a poor choice. And, all this is because of familiarity.

Such liabilities can be many, even within a single day.

Are you allowing familiarity to make your decisions? Do you even know when this is happening?

I recommend you take a look at all the important aspects of and decisions occurring in your life and business. Be certain you make good choices and don’t just go with the familiar.

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

Know How To Engage an Important Contact When you Must?

Business is initiated and progressed by sellers and buyers establishing contact and making arrangements. Often this is begun through Sales and Marketing approaches. (And, metaphorically, in most situations everybody is actually selling something).

Sometimes high-level introductions can precede detailed business discussions. But in all such instances, how are those initial contacts made? How do we predictably connect to others?

Also, what happens when discussions stall, or when new players must engage to continue progress?

The whole process can be flawed and fraught with hiccups. Yet who on either side will normally not suffer by all-too-common delays?

Every day I see people reaching out to others, but often with surprisingly mixed results.

Amazingly, the delays and failures are many times tied directly to the means, or method by which approaches are made.

Those professionals whose livelihoods are dependent on successfully contacting and engaging others have often figured this out. But frequently, even in their cases they do not always consider seemingly obvious liabilities.

And importantly, for most executives, the ability to reach out and connect with others will directly impact the success of their careers.

In business, leaders at every level generally tend to have an instinctive and predominant mechanism through which they first approach others. Perhaps they make the phone call, drop an e-mail, or engage through the other person’s Admin?

On the receiving end we correspondingly might react slightly differently to these approaches, depending on our own personal and cultural biases. Maybe you’re an e-mail person? Perhaps you prefer to speak directly to others on most issues?

In many instances we prioritize not only what approaches we respond to (given that issues are often not always clear when we pick up a message), but also the order in which we check for messages. Do e-mail first, get the notes from the Admin. Everybody can be a little different.

This means that in an overloaded world of often frantic business interactions, one size often will NOT fit all. The result: you might well find yourself sending voice messages to a person who’s an e-mail guy. Don’t expect a fruitful outcome.

When you really have to reach someone and it’s a fairly new contact, you’ll often need to fish around to find the best channel through which they’ll engage reliably. And even then it might change with time and/or subject.

Over the years I’ve encountered many voice-only, or e-mail only Execs who seem like they can be reached in no other way. Perhaps this just more conveniently fits their style of operation? Some five years ago others became responsive to Texts; it appears that lulls in meetings offer great opportunity to respond to real time/brief issues.

The message is clear. You need to be selective with your approach mechanism. If you run into trouble reaching someone, then keep making carefully considered changes until you engage and interact. Once you do, make a point of asking and checking how they want to continue the exchanges, if and when you need them.

The choices for productive channels (not prioritized) to engage others are most commonly:

  • Work/Direct phone
  • Mobile number
  • Home number
  • Voice message
  • Via the admin
  • E-mail
  • Text
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Through colleagues

There are also the myriad Social Media channels via which connections can be opened up; such as Facebook and similar. Not all of these channels are appropriate in every case. But, don’t be afraid to be creative.

Remember, business is not like a fine wine. It usually does not get better with time. So, make sure you take action; don’t wait too patiently.

When you’re making first approaches ask around to find out what’s the best way to get a response from this particular person. And, don’t be one of those less assertive people (aka victims) avoiding more direct contact methods as a result of an overly rationalized habit. When needing to make an important approach, boldness is often required.

If you’re an organized person you’ll probably also need to adapt your processing and records for reaching others to reflect the (often multiple) channels you might be exploring. Again, one size certainly does not fit all, anymore. So, get yourself set up for using varied communication channels.

Never forget: if you prioritize the means by which you check for approaches made to yourself, then it’s likely so does the other guy. And, if you’ve enjoyed success reaching someone a particular way in the past, it doesn’t mean that channel won’t change in the future or vary by subject.

Be flexible and multiply your approach mechanisms when needing to secure those critical engagements. There’s no sense in wasting hours, days or weeks to figure out you’re not getting through.

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

Want to Be an Exceptional Leader? Get a Plan

We’re all familiar with the traits of exceptional leaders. They generally

  • Inspire
  • Motivate
  • Accomplish major Results

And, typically have a Vision accompanied by a truly Positive Outlook.

Such traits emerge as the leader grows in confidence and capability. They evolve as a result of careful and specific learning.

Exceptional learning is established through

  • Dedicated and Deliberate Practice

And importantly

  • Excellent coaching and guidance
  • Enthusiastic (family and/or professional) support

Leaders acquire these traits (or attributes) built upon their mastery of specific, quantifiable Skills. These skills will include:

  • Specific, job-related knowledge
  • Problem-solving
  • Decision analysis
  • Interpersonal/management-styles awareness
  • Delegating
  • Motivating
  • Planning
  • Organizing
  • Controlling
  • Reengineering
  • Team-playing
  • Leading
  • Mentoring

This is a significant body of study and work in which to invest. It cannot be mastered overnight. Inevitably, as anyone sets out to be a skilled Leader (or Manager) of others they must decide where to begin.

As with any process the action plan should consider priorities. These are unique to youand your goals. What must I know first? What is most urgent? What will have the maximum benefit for me over time?

There are several resources available when planning your priorities. You can

  • Ask your boss
  • Work with a mentor
  • Check those (next job) specifications with HR (if they have them)
  • DIY

Clearly the best approach will usually be taking guidance from a trusted colleague/expert; commonly the quickest and most secure route. The important thing is to get a plan/timeline, then commit and begin the process.

Learning is a lifelong investment and your development as a leader is no different. It’s said that if you read (i.e. learn) for an hour a day, by the end of seven years you should be a world-class expert on your chosen subject. Careers are inherently very lengthy, so this offers great opportunity for those who will make the commitment.

Begin by picking a path of learning that delivers you short-term benefits and validation, yet maximizes your progress and ultimately will develop your abilities to a well-rounded result.

I can also offer you an alternative and specific, hands-on guide to this process.

Developing these essential skills need not be an entirely formalized process. True, some things are best learned by such means, but many others can be digested and embraced through casual reading and even informal meetings.

Whatever method you’re employing just ensure you DigestConsider and Practice the skill. It’s well-accepted that all new skills are best assimilated by their use and application.

Good luck with your investment in becoming a more skilled, accomplished and exceptional Leader!

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

Are You a Good Boss? What Do Your Employees Think?

During the course of business and through private events I meet a lot of people.

When professionals hear what I do, many want to talk about their jobs. A few like to brag about their importance, travels and successes. But mostly, they too are often basically unhappy.

I don’t really consider myself a therapist yet in this regard I often get treated as such.

Left to their own devices the majority of Millennials (let’s say here graduates on up to 30 years of age) that I meet have, well, bad bosses. Typically they are tied to younger managers learning their way, often poorly guided.

Most of these managers’ problems reported revolve around entry-level troubles of inabilities to communicate well, delegate and train.

At the other end of the spectrum professionals (in this case, say, >35 years of age and up) seem to lackadaisically talk of bosses that they apparently accept as simply beyond repair. Problems here typically range from inability to articulate a big picture, failure to share information or engage employees in any meaningful way.

Many other people frankly just don’t want to talk about work and sometimes roll their eyes when others do. Some seem happy enough and don’t want to dwell on the subject. They often appear to just accept professional life as something of a necessary evil.

My own empirical evidence suggests that most professionals just aren’t that happy at work.

Worse still, in a persistently bad job economy, there is often little folks are willing to try that will improve their lot.

This suggests a pretty miserable outlook for many workers. A poor work situation often affects health and well-being. No number of private-time diversions and activities are likely to offset these liabilities.

If there are so many poor bosses, why don’t they do something about themselves? Certainly many are statistically likely to suffer in the same ways as do their reports. Yet surely if they upgraded their skills their own situations, well-being and self-esteem (and thence health) must all benefit.

So why don’t managers and Execs simply take appropriate action and improve their ways? The same old reasons always persist when people fail to change. Bosses just either:

Don’t Know How

Lack Awareness of the Need

Or, Are Lazy

It’s not common for anyone to fix their problems without having awareness of the need to do so. From my own observations it’s quite likely that if you are managing people you probably require some level of self-improvement help. Even if you believe you’re an above average (or better) leader it’s reasonable to suppose you still have many opportunities to upgrade management skills and so substantially enhance your career outlook.

Even if you are just lazy, or feel too exhausted to make the effort there’s many life-quality reasons to upgrade your situation. Improving your lot takes effort and personal investment.

If you don’t know where to begin, try this easy, hands-on guide to developing managerial skills. It will work for you regardless of your seniority or profession.

Let’s give all those people I meet and their colleagues a break. Upgrade those skills and make your employees lives that much better. Improve your own situation, career, life and health.

If you spend most of your waking hours at work it only makes sense that they become the best experience possible.

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

How Leaders Guarantee their Products Succeed

I recently retweeted an article that explained how to avoid problems during the definition and development of your (primarily) technological products.

This was a solid piece, but didn’t specifically describe the basic methodology for how to successfully define such a product. So, let me rectify that by offering some appropriate direction, below. It is relevant for most  product-types.

Today, many teams become distracted and fall prey to product definition problems largely attributable to the lack of fidelity in their execution. However, the process for getting things defined correctly can be quite simple. It’s well proven and fundamentally failsafe.

To get things right all you need to do is follow this Six Part Process:

  • Find Lead Customers

Clients must be credible and linked to you be able to leveraging them into credible and likely downstream purchases. There will typically be 3-6 companies you approach and they should preferably represent the practical application breath your end-product needs to serve.

Avoid engagements where customers may borrow your ideas for repurposing internally or with other suppliers. Great trust and sharing of future plans is typically required bilaterally with these people, who are to review, comment upon and add real value to your Spec.


  • Offer your Trial Product Spec as you go

To get audiences with clients you have to bring something complete and credible to the table; basically, this must be your Spec or a prototype. This offering is a supplement to an (ideally) already existing, meaningful relationship you have with the Lead Client which is based upon trust and prior shared experiences.

Work jointly with the first customer to tune-up your spec; ensure that Must Have and Nice To Have needs are incorporated (or, put aside) appropriately. Update the spec accordingly and move to the next lead customer on your list.


  • Correct the Spec as you proceed

The spec will evolve and (likely) grow as you complete your first pass by these clients. Update and adjust as required, always minimizing additions and identifying Wants, Likes and REAL Needs as they deserve.


  • Beware of building a Battleship or designing a Camel

As you cycle by clients, from time to time you must stop and carefully review the current Spec. Is it becoming unnecessarily bloated and/or distorted by less important content? Are you losing sight of customer needs, becoming overly focused on the technology?

Brutally cut back Specs so they contain just those features that define a compelling product with which desired Lead Customers will hungrily engage.

Be certain all content remains in the Spec that ensures hooks are included to extend in future directions which will or might be required. Don’t overestimate here, but also don’t architect something that cannot evolve, or will need major rework for future development(s). Do not build your product on sand.


  • Re-circle the Lead Guys and Confirm

When the Spec is trimmed down to a lean offering that you believe will grab interest and secure Lead Customer engagement, you can then make a final pass at those customer contacts. Double-check these clients are still bought-in and voice real commitment to your final version. Ensure their needs for ease-of-use and functionality are all satisfied as required and when needed.


  • Implement On-Time and As Specified

This is easy to say and harder to accomplish. Ideally, you should deliver exactly as promised. Commit to availability of what will satisfy Lead Clients’ essential requirements and to delivery by when it must arrive.

And never forget. When the product goes through Beta Tests you must have all the support available that will be required to overcome inevitable problems and make users feel safe.

When you’re speaking to clients and asking questions, heed the following warning. I have personally met clients that when faced with a what do you need question often fall back (through lack of their knowledge in your space) to a what have you got response, when queried about product requirements. Circumvent this dilemma by unearthing what they’re trying to accomplish with their own work and thus determine how your product can assist and empower them in reaching these objectives.

I have seen many developers flounder when interpreting unclear customer needs. This is often caused by either their own inability to truly understand the customer’s products (and thus needs) and usage, or by personal indecisiveness. Don’t let your team fall into either of these holes.

Let me offer a closing note of opportunity. Clients often find surprising, innovative means to use and adapt your products in ways that you may not have anticipated at the outset. Keep your eyes open early on for signs of such ideas as they often lead to killer features you can include.

So, if you’re looking to bring innovative, leadership products to market, try this process.

It works. It’s proven. Check it out and watch your market-driven products take off!

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

How Leaders Ensure Ideas Become Successes

I always explore business scenarios and options with the goal of achieving the very best possible outcome. Who doesn’t, really?

In practice this selection is not always available. However, you can always get the best outcome possible.

Life and business normally demand that we aim high. In the end we should only abandon ideal solutions when they are shown to be truly untenable or too costly. Even before this we should work them a little to see if they can be kept in play using acceptable investment and adjustments.

In general, it’s seemingly only the more capable or seasoned people who really seem to dig in, find a way and make things happen. Sometimes it seems that those who give up more easily are perhaps just not exploring their alternatives in the right way.

In some cases individuals just don’t show the intestinal fortitude required to endure. In others, they seem insufficiently equipped and unknowledgeable of the process with which to proceed.

I have found the following three-phase approach to be invaluable for those needing a little more structure. All that is required is to:

  • Project Out far enough

When considering your options ensure you envision them sufficiently into the future. How might they change or need to be adapted? What liability might arise and what will then be your next options and so on. Look ahead, just like playing a game of chess.

As you consider risks you should proactively and carefully review how you’ll proceed when you run into such likely bumps in the road.


  • Look Deeply enough/Confirm Options ARE generally viable

Not all options are viable. Many choices are flawed and need closer inspection. Yet not everything can be explored exhaustively. However, every option you’re relying upon should not be superficially deemed viable without close inspection adequately proving it to be so.


  • Churn

When we’re on-the-run we don’t always commit our plans to paper. Sometimes we should. However, in every situation we need to frequently and systematically, continually review our options.

Things change. Both circumstance and time can make good plans bad and those once-untenable approaches might again become viable. Keep your eyes open wide while quietly churning the plan in your mind until execution is secure.

If any plan is important to your cause you need to work it. Don’t assume any chosen path will pan out exactly as conceived. They invariably don’t.

It’s your ability to adapt and overcome in a quickly changing environment that is often the difference between a lethargic failure and an outstanding success.

So, make your plans carefully and keep them churning over in your mind. Ensure they result in the best possible outcome.


Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

No Wise Leader Allows Customer Disservice

I was held over last weekend needing to extend a business trip. It happens. Sometimes you need to stick around until you have a minimum standard of closure and progress.

There was nothing too remarkable involved. So, I set about extending my stay. Hotel arrangements, flight changes were all completed with minimal fuss.

Then there was the car-rental extension. Seemingly, everything that could go wrong did.

In itself this particular incident is not remarkable. However when you consider the specific details and complications the implications are quite staggering.

To protect the culprits let’s just say my vehicle was booked through one of the top three global car-rental companies. They operate with a major US presence.

If you have customers or clients you don’t want to be (or appear to be) as broken as this Corporation just proved itself. Indeed, I’ve identified just some of the generic problems exhibited that you would be wise to check are absent from your own business.

When the troubles began I was already extremely busy operating in quasi-emergency mode and expediting my own business-related challenges. So, I couldn’t afford the 3 hours 45 min. it took before my car rental extension was finally under control. For almost 3 hours of this time I was tied-up dialing into the rental company and spent the balance of total time waiting for their call back.

How could such a high profile, large and experienced Corporation have so many problems? And if they do, what does this mean for other businesses with far less resources and apparent maturity?

So what were the problems I saw at this company? Check these:

  • No Ownership

I interacted with six separate people on my calls. It was the last one that finally owned my problem and then investigated rather than handing me off, losing me on hold or dumping me into a voice-operated system.


  • Voice and Keypad Input Systems

Found myself trapped in these five or six times. They just did not work.

The systems either dropped faster than keypad numbers could reasonably be entered or could not recognize me (personally) when the numerical identifiers were accepted.

Heck, I tried everything from slowly whispering voice inputs to screaming. Everything failed. Nothing significant was advanced through voice activation.

I’ve personally developed several websites and many software design tools. This stuff should not have passed even the most rudimentary beta testing.


  • Centralized Processing

Most customer service people and voice systems pushed me towards a centralized support location, not yet open, nor in my time zone.

This is a major global Corporation. People travel 24 hours a day around the globe. Why wouldn’t there be a 24/7 service for folks in possible distress?


  • Communication of the Root Problem

I was 2 hours 45 min. into calls and frustration before my (sixth) human contact told me what was causing the problems. Until then support people and automated systems kept telling me,”(I) couldn’t be recognized at all,” from any of my following inputs:

Correct spelling of my Name

My Unique preferred Membership Number

The Unique Number (on fob) of the Car I had in my possession

My Rental Agreement Number

Original Booking Confirmation number

Nobody explained what was going on or what confusion was in play and why.


  • Employee Training

Any way you look at it, several people couldn’t operate the company system(s). Any such person and all those passing me off to various other people and systems clearly lacked in their training.


  • The Root Problem

It turned out the fundamental issue was that the contract for my rental was canceled, right after its creation and just minutes after I had originally been checked in. There was a (no fault of mine) data-entry issue when I picked-up my car

Why would such a large organization, processing huge amounts of orders have no failsafe that prevents such a flaw with an order entry?


  • System Complexity/Flexibility

Major companies (should) develop robust, efficient systems that facilitate rapid, accurate and failsafe order processing.

Clearly this is not the case, here.

Worse still, when order entry failed there was no systematic, flexible process to identify the issue, protect the Company’s interests and help me out.


  • Procedural Issue(s)

You have to ask…

How could I have been given a contract, had it immediately canceled and then driven off with a car to which I had no current legal rights? The whole process and procedure is damaged.

Shouldn’t the company want to better protect their inventory?


  • The Closing Concern

Finally, when I’d originally reached the checkout gate with the car I mentioned to the guard/clerk there was an undocumented (anywhere I could see) paint chip on the front spoiler. No major concern, but certainly not my liability. The friendly guard made a note “there are chips all over the car,” in his own handwriting on the paperwork that I was given upon exit. He signed and dated this script.

Certainly that was a great free pass for me, but I don’t understand how it helped this major car-rental company. And, it’s just indicative of yet another training and process flaw.

Well, that’s probably enough concerns to note. I’m sure the general description of the incident has initiated thoughts of many more additional and obvious problems in your mind, already.

If you personally lead an organization or company, you serve and support others. Have you audited your own organization to prove you have no such flaws in play? Do you regularly collect and review relevant incident reports?

Being reactive with great service is not as efficient or ideal is proactively avoiding liabilities. However, whatever your method(s), be advised: if a major global Corporation can have such shocking service and system defects, what might you find under your own hood? Maybe it’s time to take a look.

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

Predict What Others Might Do. A Leadership Perspective

It’s a daily problem. Whether in private life or business you routinely have to figure out why somebody did something.

Often more important in a competitive world: what will they do in a given circumstance?

I’ve previously discussed the propensity of humans to rationalize everything. This outlines how folks make decisions, but not necessarily what they will do, or why.

Many years ago I homed in on a couple of principles to better predict and understand people’s action(s). Why are they likely to go in particular directions? What might those directions be?

Consider these two guiding principles:

  • Path of Least Resistance

Humans tend to move in the simplest and most convenient direction for them; often they can be just downright lazy. So ask yourself: What is their easiest path? What have I previously observed relevant to the situation?

  • Occam’s (sometimes Ockham) Razor

Not an irrefutable theory, but basically the idea that the most simple explanation is also the most likely. Certainly until excluding evidence exists it’s usually wiser to presume the least complex outcome or explanation.

Now, these ideas may not be flawless or apply in every case. However, if you really understand someone’s situation they will often provide extraordinarily useful insights into what they might do and why.

Consider a simple case. You call a new business contact about an issue important to yourself. They don’t reply. Instantly your mind might go into overdrive managing innumerable fears and concerns:

  • They don’t agree with me. So they won’t lend their support.
  • Maybe it’s not important to them? Perhaps they don’t have the facts I do?
  • They’re working on a side deal (the one you fear most) in the background.
  • And on, and on, often needlessly.

I have witnessed many situations like this. I’ve lived through similar events.

The brighter you are, the quicker your mind and the more likely you can spin into managing uncountable alternatives.

In the above case, you’ll invariably find you’re just dealing with a less responsive professional who’s routinely delinquent with replies. This is hardly a cause for significant concern. Yet, we’ve all done it.

However, when it really does matter look at the facts. Assume a simple reason behind actions (and inactions) until simple explorations unearth more usable evidence that refutes your current assumptions.

If you are then forced to prudently consider events more deeply, use facts to eliminate simple explanations first and only escalate when such findings indicate something more profound is afoot.

Certainly, we sometimes do need to manage unlikely, but truly significant risks. On these occasions paranoia is what ensures we survive. Yet still whenever possible we should always first begin by attempting a lower-stress general approach.

Do you spend time and energy fearful of outcomes that never occur? Ever catch yourself overplaying your concern? Perhaps, you should try considering that the simplest explanation is consistent with what you’ve already observed or might expect?

If a situation isn’t presenting as a real liability, make it easy on yourself. Consider the two guiding principles described above.

After all, there’s no point wasting your valuable time or emotional energy on small-scale matters that have no obvious path to something significant.

So, gather readily accessible information where you can and don’t dive in until you’re more certain it’s really important. Keep it simple.

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh

Successful Leaders Never Stop Learning

A few days ago I received an e-mail from a surprised colleague. He’d spent 5-10 min. reading a blog and was shocked how much immediate benefit he received.

Apparently he’d read a discussion about Negotiating before venturing out to get maintenance done on his car. The result was a few hundred dollars saved; he subsequently went back for more repairs and extended that success even further.

However his epiphany was not about the negotiation success, rather the benefits of continued learning.

He came to realize that even though you think you’re okay with a particular skill, there is often still much to be learned. And, great progress and advantage can come from a relatively minor investment.

My experience is that surprisingly few people actively develop themselves and skills sufficiently to yield significant benefits. Life is seemingly brief, time is scarce with the result that real needs and opportunity get passed over.

Leaders show up for their jobs, do their thing all day (often very well), go home, return to work and repeat.

This process merely develops you for your current job; likely only incrementally improving capabilities as the months and years go by. There is usually little profound, new development to be gleaned from a recurring process.

If you’ve developed that essential strong career-image of who you want to be and by when, standing-still behavior just won’t get you there. As is often said, doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different outcome is the very definition of insanity.

More than this, without investment you aren’t even working on the new and/or expanded skills your next role will surely demand.

If this is the case, unless someone in your desired future role helps you out by moving on, your current readiness, skills and capability won’t necessarily scream out the need for a promotion. Your demonstration of those next level skills just won’t be as strong. And, perhaps your competition has already figured this out?

How much do you have to learn to be noticeably ready for that new role and promotion? If you’re planning a specific career you can find out by asking the right people (mentors, HR, bosses, trusted colleagues, etc.).

How capable are you right now in those new, essential skills a role-change will demand? Again, if you don’t know, ask. Just don’t delude yourself about your capabilities, strengths and weaknesses. Self-delusion is the enemy of personal development.

If you’re good at a skill, become accomplished. And if the skill is critical to your success, become visibly great.

No matter how expert you are in any field, you can become better. Even world-class Leaders separate themselves from the pack by exploring and practicing those tough things they personally need to perfect. And in doing so, they cause themselves to stand out.

The skills a manager might need are well documented, below. You can get unique, hands-on guidance   to walk you through the creation of a personalized, career-long development plan. Specific Skills you might require are drawn from the following comprehensive listing:

• Specific job-related skills and training

• Problem-solving

• Decision analysis

• Interpersonal skills/Management styles

• Delegating

• Motivating

• Planning

• Organizing

• Controlling

• Reengineering

• Team playing

• Leading

• Mentoring

• Time management

• Public speaking

Don’t be put off by the long list. Each of us requires only a specific number of and competence in these many skills. Consider just those you need and the competence level you will require.

Some skills and development can involve lifelong learning. Yet many others can be tuned-up and enhanced in (say) less than 30 min. of reading. Even a small investment in a critical area can help you begin to grow your expertise.

It is just important that you take action. Commit. If you’re merely standing still you will be far less able to move forwards.

Over the years I’ve personally been through Interpersonal relationships/Management styles training on four separate occasions. This was simply because my companies wanted to tune-up their management teams with shared experiences in this area. Never one time did I find that my additional investment was repetitive; there’s always an important new perspective and plenty more to learn. And, this is a very important skill.

Much the same is true for the colleague I mentioned at the outset. Surprised by the swift, dramatic and unexpected upgrade of his negotiation skills, he is hungrily requesting further reference materials in which to invest.

A successful career demands such investment. Even the greatest leaders have major gaps in their armor. They became exceptional because they learned and evolved.

Take a look at your own skills. How good are they, really? How might you grow towards your next role by developing and enhancing your current skills?

An hour invested here and there is often an eye-opener. Sometimes, only when we are committed to embark on a path do we fully begin to understand our true needs and the associated potential benefits.

So, take action. Look at a single important skill you know you need to improve. It’s most likely that even the briefest study on the subject will provide insight to things never before considered.

Here’s wishing you a productive development and profound personal evolution!

Ian R. Mackintosh is the author of Empower Your Inner Manager Twitter @ianrmackintosh