Empower Your Inner Manager: Essential Skills, Self-Assessment, and Effective Planning that Secure Successful Careers

In times of economic hardship it becomes increasingly difficult to plan a professional management career and earn promotions. Outsourcing, too, compounds the problems of aspiring managers in a troubled global economy. This means that job seekers and promotional candidates have to work harder to obtain that competitive edge- something that sets them apart.

I developed my new book, Empower Your Inner Manager, to help aspiring managers quickly develop personalized career plans that get them the opportunities they seek. Regardless of your current management experience, the size of company in which you are employed, and the industry in which you work, this book has something for you!

Whether you’re developing yourself along a management career path, are engaged in an entrepreneurial role or just motivated to maximize your management skills, this book holds ideas and insights that will help you.

Based on my 30 years of Silicon Valley executive management experience in both large Corporations and start-ups, I believe both novice and experienced managers will benefit significantly from reading Empower Your Inner Manager. This book will serve you as both an immediate, personal planning tool and as an on-going reference source throughout your career.

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